Accessibility statement

Susan O'Meara
Research Fellow


Sue is a Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis at CRD. Her previous experience is broad and includes research and teaching in Higher Education (HE) as well as research consultancy and clinical practice as a registered nurse. She has been involved in the design, conduct and management of systematic reviews in diverse healthcare topics including menorrhagia, cataracts, adult and childhood obesity, childhood enuresis, breast feeding, homeopathy, herbal medicine, prophylactic removal of wisdom teeth, epilepsy, diabetes, eczema and
non-healing wounds.

As part of her PhD thesis Sue designed and performed the first collaborative individual patient data meta-analysis of clinical trials of compression therapy for venous leg ulcers. Other previous experience includes evaluation of Technology Appraisal Reviews for NICE and providing teaching and training in research methods and evidence-based practice to HE students, health professionals and academic colleagues.

Sue’s current research interests include evaluating interventions to manage long-term conditions such as skin diseases, non-healing wounds and diabetes mellitus.

Contact details

Dr Susan O'Meara
Research Fellow
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
University of York
YO10 5DD