Accessibility statement

Mark Simmonds
Senior Research Fellow



Mark is a medical statistician with a particular interest in statistical methodology for meta-analysis. His research interests include developing methods for individual participant data meta-analysis, for updating meta-analyses, and the diagnosis and prediction of disease. This research has been applied in a range of medical areas including cancer research, applications in pregnancy, and predicting future incidence of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.

His research at CRD has included large individual participant data meta-analyses in premature birth prevention and in spinal surgery, as well as meta-analyses for predicting the consequences of childhood obesity, and the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. He has recently concluded a research project on statistical methods for updating meta-analyses for the Cochrane Collaboration, and is currently leading a research project on the diagnosis of osteomyelitis. He is also involved in performing single technology appraisals for NICE.

Contact details

Mark Simmonds
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 321091