Accessibility statement

Connor Evans
Research Assistant



Connor is a research assistant at CRD. He works on systematic reviews within the department, particularly focusing on childhood cancer research. Previous work includes a systematic review of interventions to support clinical academics, and a review evaluating early phase studies for children with relapsed/refractory rhabdomyosarcoma (The REFoRMS Project). He also manages the CRD list of projects spreadsheet, as well as supporting the information specialists with full-text retrieval.

Connor also has an advisory role within the PROSPERO team, resolving issues with difficult records, as well as supporting the development and management of updates to PROSPERO.

Connor has a first-class psychology degree from the University of Leeds, with previous experience as a freelance researcher and proof-reader.

Connor Evans Photo

Contact details

Connor Evans
Research Assistant
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 321049