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Nevitt S, Churchill R, Dias S. Machine learning in systematic reviews: the hidden benefits of prioritised screening. Presented at: Research on Research Festival. AI and Research: a promising relationship? 16 May 2024; online.
Prioritised screening (PDF , 243kb), video

Shepherd L, Crowther S, Evans C, Morgan JE, Fulbright H, Phillips B. Understanding the meaning of 'kindness' in cancer treatment for children. Poster presented at: Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group's annual conference. 22-23 April 2024; Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Kindness in cancer treatment for children (PDF , 188kb)

Beresford L, Evans C, Bryan G, Fulbright H, Phillips B, Morgan JE. Systematic review of early phase trials for children and young people with relapsed and refractory rhabdomyosarcoma: the REFoRMS-SR project. Poster presented at: International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) conference. 28 September-1 October 2022; Barcelona, Spain.
REFoRMS-SR project (PDF , 318kb)

Wade R, Walton M, Harden M, Hodgson R, Eastwood A, Storey J, Hassan T, Randall M, Hassan A, Williams J. Management of sudden onset severe headache presenting to the Emergency Department: a systematic review. Poster presented at: HTAi virtual annual meeting. 19-23 June 2021; Manchester, UK. 
Management of sudden onset severe headache (PDF , 539kb)

Wade R, Walton M, Harden M, Hodgson R, Eastwood A, Storey J, Hassan T, Randall M, Hassan A, Williams J. Patient involvement in an assessment of the management of sudden onset severe headache presenting to the Emergency Department. Poster presented at: HTAi virtual annual meeting. 19-23 June 2021; Manchester, UK.
PPI and management of sudden onset severe headache (PDF , 291kb)

Walker R, Morgan J, Phillips R. Does routine surveillance imaging after completing treatment for childhood solid tumours cause more harm than good? A systematic review & meta-analysis. Poster presented at: International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP conference. 23-26 October 2019; Lyon, France. 
Routine imaging after childhood tumours (PDF , 309kb)

Brown J, Cleminson J, Meader N, Wright K, McGuire W. C-reactive protein for the diagnosis of late-onset infection in newborn infants: systematic review of diagnostic test accuracy. Poster presented at: 3rd Joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS) Congress. 17-21 September 2019; Maastricht, Netherlands. 
CRP to diagnose late-onset infection in newborns (PDF , 574kb)

Rodgers M, Raine G, Thomas S, Harden M, Eastwood A. Digital-first primary care: a rapid responsive evidence synthesis. Poster presented at: Health Services Research UK 2019 conference. 2-3 July 2019; Manchester.
Digital-first primary care (PDF , 249kb) 

Thomas S, Dalton J, Melton H, Harden M, Eastwood A. The provision of services in the UK for armed forces veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at: Health Services Research UK 2019 conference. 2-3 July 2019; Manchester.
Services for armed forces veterans with PTSD (PDF , 202kb)

Rogers M, Thomas S, Dalton J, Harden M, Eastwood A. Police-related mental health triage interventions: a rapid evidence synthesis. Poster presented at: Health Services Research UK 2019 conference. 2-3 July 2019; Manchester.
Police-related mental health triage (PDF , 251kb)

Morgan J, Walker R, Harden M, Phillips B. Does routine surveillance imaging after completing treatment for childhood extra-cranial solid tumours cause more harm than good? A systematic review. Poster presented at: MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer. 21-23 June 2019; San Francisco, CA.
Surveillance imaging after childhood tumours (PDF , 772kb)

Walton MJ, O'Connor J, Carroll C, Claxton L, Hodgson R. A review of issues affecting the efficiency of decision making in the NICE Single Technology Appraisal process. Poster presented at: ISPOR Europe 2018. 10-14 November 2018; Barcelona, Spain.
Efficiency of decision making NICE STAs (PDF , 921kb) 

Wade R, Rice S, Moloney E, Stoniute J, Layton AM, Levell NJ, Stansby G, Jones-Diette J, Llewellyn A, Wright K, Craig D, Woolacott N. Patient Involvement in an assessment of interventions for hyperhidrosis. Poster presented at: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 16-18 September 2018; Edinburgh.
Patient Involvement and interventions for hyperhidrosis (PDF , 580kb)

Thomas S, Dalton J, Melton H, Harden M, Eastwood A. The provision of services in the UK for armed forces veterans with PTSD. Poster presented at: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 16-18 September 2018; Edinburgh.
Services for UK armed forces veterans with PTSD (PDF , 198kb)

Llewellyn A, Simmonds M. Exploring the magnitude of verification bias in diagnostic accuracy studies. Poster presented at: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 16-18 September 2018; Edinburgh.
Verification bias in diagnostic accuracy studies (PDF , 754kb)

Lorenc T, Rodgers M, Rees R, Wright K, Melton H, Hopkins P, Sowden A. Working with stakeholders to identify evidence gaps: an example from autism. Poster presented at: 25th Cochrane Colloquium. 16-18 September 2018; Edinburgh.
Working with stakeholders to identify evidence gaps (PDF , 480kb)

Corbett M, Marshall D, Harden M, Oddie S, Phillips R, McGuire W. Treatment of extravasation injuries in infants and young children: a systematic scoping review and survey of NHS practice. Poster presented at: Royal College of Paediarics and Child Health Conference. 13-15 March 2018; Glasgow.
Extravasation injuries (PDF , 724kb) 

Lack of adherence to prescribing guidelines for statins (PDF , 194kb) (2017)

Stakeholder involvement in HTA hyperhidrosis (PDF , 377kb) (2017)

Hyperhidrosis quality of life measures (PDF , 165kb) (2017)

A methodological framework for organisational case studies (PDF , 187kb) (2016)

InterTASC Information Specialists Sub-Group Search Filter Resource (PDF , 2,050kb) (2016)

Integrated care for the physical health needs of people with SMI (PDF , 522kb) (2016)

Engaging service users in major health service change (PDF , 533kb) (2016)

C-reactive protein for diagnosing neonatal infection (PDF , 187kb) (2016)

Thigh length or knee length anti-embolism stockings (PDF , 258kb) (2015)

Topical emolients to prevent infection in preterm infants (PDF , 1,106kb) (2014)

The use of moisturisers to prevent infection (PDF , 895kb) (2014)

Home chemotherapy (PDF , 247kb) (2014)

Is citation searching useful? (PDF , 219kb) (2014)

Cost-effectiveness interventions to prevent and control healthcare-associated in (PDF , 157kb) (2013)

Ethical implications of sharing individual patient data for prognostic meta-anal (PDF , 344kb) (2013)

Meta-analyses of adverse effects data from case-control studies as compared to o (PDF , 504kb) (2013)

Obtaining confidential protocols to increase the completeness and accuracy of ri (PDF , 220kb) (2013)

Developing a plan for patient and public involvement in CRD (PDF , 197kb) (2012)

HTA Database: your short cut to finding health technology assessments (PDF , 611kb) (2012)

PROSPERO: an international prospective register of systematic reviews (PDF , 178kb)(2012)

PROSPERO: the first year of a prospective register of systematic reviews (PDF , 379kb)(2012)

PROSPERO: the first year of an international prospective register of systematic (PDF , 983kb) (2012)

Reconfiguration of services for young people with eating disorders in Bradford a (PDF , 419kb) (2012)

Comparison of adverse effects data (PDF , 461kb) (2011)

Comprehensive searching for systematic reviews (PDF , 515kb) (2011)

Determining appropriate inclusion criteria (PDF , 466kb) (2011)

Is the retraction of journal articles in electronic journals and databases consi (PDF , 496kb) (2011)

Issues affecting the validity of a network meta-analysis of acupuncture and othe (PDF , 674kb) (2011)

NICE, CBT and schizophrenia: a case study of evidence-informed decision-making (PDF , 3,773kb) (2011 )

Publication of IPD meta-analyses in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (PDF , 104kb) (2011)

The sensitivity of adverse effects (PDF , 495kb) (2011)

The use and reporting of WOMAC for the assessment of treatment benefit for the p (PDF , 482kb) (2011)

The use of an ordered multinomial logit model in network analysis (PDF , 501kb) (2011)

The usefulness of different information sources for retrieving adverse effects d (PDF , 553kb) (2011)

Is there a role for sugammadex in the reversal of neuromuscular blockade? (PDF , 540kb) (2010)

Scaling the Tower of Babel (PDF , 358kb) (2010)

Antiemetic medication for prevention and treatment of chemotherapy induced nause (PDF , 17kb) (2009)

Hitting the Headlines: should we believe what we read in the press? (PDF , 219kb) (2008)

Hitting the Headlines: what have we learned? (PDF , 65kb) (2008)

Incorporating non-randomised evidence in systematic reviews: a case study (PDF , 273kb) (2008)

Should systematic reviews of diagnostic tests go beyond test accuracy? (PDF , 286kb) (2008)

To randomise or not to randomise: a matter of perspective (PDF , 268kb) (2008)

Where to identify information on adverse effects for systematic reviews (PDF , 266kb) (2008)

Challenges in disseminating review findings: a case study (PDF , 1,354kb)(2007)

Do published search filters to identify diagnostic test accuracy studies perform (PDF , 759kb)(2007)

Is stapled haemorrhoidopexy safer and more effective (PDF , 493kb)(2007)

Methodological issues in a systematic review of a rapidly developing interventio (PDF , 665kb) (2007)

Pharmacological interventions for the prevention of relapse in bipolar disorder (PDF , 948kb) (2007)

Sometimes similar, sometimes different (PDF , 36kb) (2007)

The effects of interventions for people bereaved by suicide (PDF , 459kb) (2007)

Using systematic review methodology to inform policy (PDF , 304kb) (2007)

Which databases should we search to identify test accuracy studies? (PDF , 692kb) (2007)

Cost-effectiveness analysis of diagnostic methods in the management of patients (PDF , 485kb) (2006)

Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic review (PDF , 77kb) (2006)

How is information on adverse effects identified? (PDF , 70kb) (2006)

Interventions for the treatment, management and rehabilitation of patients with (PDF , 80kb) (2006)

Should data from diagnostic case-control studies be included in systematic revie (PDF , 61kb) (2006)

A systematic review of clinical audits assessing cancer referral guidelines (PDF , 68kb) (2005)

Developing evidence based service guidance to improve outcomes in head and neck (PDF , 454kb) (2005)

Etanercept and Efalizumab for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis (PDF , 471kb) (2005)

Etanercept and Infliximab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PDF , 466kb) (2005)

Implementing NICE guidance for evidence synthesis in technology (PDF , 469kb) (2005)

Is it worthwhile including observational studies in reviews? (PDF , 462kb) (2005)

Topotecan, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride and paclitaxel for seco (PDF , 477kb) (2005)

What is the most effective strategy for the investigation of adult haematuria? (PDF , 495kb) (2005)

Designing a search filter to identify reports of adverse events (PDF , 62kb) (2004)

Developing access to research evidence the rebirth of ReFeR (PDF , 94kb) (2004)

Developing efficient search strategies for adverse events (PDF , 65kb) (2004)

Finding RCTs in Medline a new search filter for busy researchers (PDF , 72kb) (2004)

Newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: how good are the trials from a systematic re (PDF , 65kb) (2004)

Reviewing the results of systematic reviews (PDF , 62kb) (2004)

Scoring the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies using QUADAS (PDF , 240kb) (2004)

Using the adjusted indirect comparison in a health technology assessment (PDF , 69kb) (2004)

What to do with non 2x2 data from a diagnostic systematic review (PDF , 65kb) (2004)

Disseminating the findings of health research: the CRD experience (PDF , 73kb) (2003)

Guidelines for economic evaluation from critical appraisal to study design (PDF , 95kb) (2003)

Improving outcomes through access to critiqued economic evaluations: NHSEED with (PDF , 157kb) (2003)

Systematic review of capecitabine monotherapy for advanced breast cancer (PDF , 57kb) (2003)

The development of QUADAS: a tool for the quality assessment of studies of diagn (PDF , 64kb) (2003)

The European Network of Health Economic Evaluation Databases project (PDF , 255kb) (2003)

Undertaking a review of systematic reviews 2000-2002 relevant to implementing th (PDF , 58kb) (2003)

What is Hitting the Headlines? (PDF , 182kb) (2003)

A systematic review of atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia (PDF , 20kb) (2002)

Assessment of therapeutic safety in systematic reviews (PDF , 59kb) (2002)

Disseminating the findings of Cochrane Reviews: the CRD experience (PDF , 140kb) (2002)

Evidence to support the clinical and cost effectiveness of Hycamtin, GSK and Cae (PDF , 48kb) (2002)

Evidence-based Guidance, a practical approach to summarising the evidence (PDF , 41kb) (2002)

The librarian's role in accessing the evidence for policy decisions in healthcar (PDF , 43kb) (2002)

Improving the quality of published economic evaluations of health (PDF , 127kb) (2001)

Involving patients in effective healthcare (PDF , 77kb) (2001)

The Cochrane Library User Group: a blueprint for local feedback initiatives (PDF , 103kb) (2001)

Beyond clinical effectiveness: the role of NHSEED in providing best evidence for (PDF , 488kb) (1999)

Training U.K. librarians to use the Cochrane Library: has this impacted on use o (PDF , 111kb) (1999)