Effective Health Care bulletins were based on a systematic review and synthesis of research on the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of health service interventions. The work was carried out following established methodological guidelines, with advice from expert consultants for each topic. The bulletins were subject to extensive and rigorous peer review.
From 1992 to 2004 the bulletins played a central role in the development and promotion of evidence informed practice in the NHS. We produced 53 issues and distributed around 3.25 million paper and 1.6 million electronic copies to key audiences in the NHS and beyond.
Effectiveness Matters provided updates on the effectiveness of important health interventions for practitioners and decision makers in the NHS. They covered topics in a short and journalistic style, summarising the results of high-quality systematic reviews. Over 90,000 copies were distributed free within the NHS.
Effective Health Care and Effectiveness Matters were subject to extensive and rigorous peer review.
The contents of each should be considered in relation to the time of original publication as significant new research evidence is likely to have become available.
Volume 8 (2003-2004)
Volume 7 (2001-2002)
Volume 6 (2000)
Volume 5 (1999)
Volume 4 (1998)
Volume 3 (1997)
Volume 2 (1995-1996)
Volume 1 (1992-1995)
Volume 6 (2002)
Volume 5 (2001)
Volume 4 (1999)
Volume 3 (1998)
Volume 2 (1996-97)
Volume 1 (1995)