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Conference: Dean Langan gave a talk on "The impact of choice of heterogeneity estimator in meta-analysis" at the 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, held on 24 - 28 August 2014 in Vienna, Austria. Further details...

Su Golder, Research Fellow, and Kath Wright, Information Service Manager, attended CILIP’s Health Libraries Group Conference in Oxford, UK. 24 - 25 July 2014.

Su gave two presentations: Keeping up to date with information retrieval research: Summarized Research in Information Retrieval (SuRe Info) and Data sources and search strategies for identifying information on adverse drug effects.

Kath also presented on NIHR’s PROSPERO (International prospective register of systematic reviews) and on Is citation searching useful when conducting searches for systematic reviews in terms of unique records retrieved and time saved?

Su Golder, Research Fellow, and Kath Wright, Information Service Manager, attended the InterTASC ISSG Workshop. Exeter, UK. 9 July 2014.

They presented on Keeping up to date with information retrieval research: Summarized Research in Information Retrieval (SuRe Info) 

Su presented on Where and how to search for adverse effects.

York wins £6 million research funding

The University of York has secured major new funding to continue its key role in supporting evidence-informed decision-making.

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has awarded a £5.25 million five-year contract to the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and the Centre for Health Economics (CHE) to continue to act as one of the NIHR’s national centres of excellence for health technology assessment. Read more...

CRD hosts international evidence synthesis methods conference

CRD hosted the 2014 annual international meeting of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology (SRSM) at the Hospitium in Museum Gardens. Read more...

Identifying the evidence for systematic reviews: an introduction for information professionals

Tuesday 9th September 2014, 9.15am - 4:15pm

A one-day course for information specialists and librarians on supporting systematic reviews in health and social care will be held at the Centre for Reviews & Dissemination, University of York. Read more and book your place...

Faculty Member of the Year

Bob Phillips has been awarded Faculty Member of the Year for his work in the Faculty of Research Methodology by F1000. Read more...


Cancer team of the year

We are delighted to announce that Bob Phillips and the Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service – Yorkshire and Humber won Cancer Team of the Year in the Quality in Care (QiC) Programme Excellence in Oncology awards for 2013.

Bob combines his role at CRD with his work in the service, based at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust . The award was given to " outstanding team that has made a significant contribution to patient care, treatment or cancer management. " Read more...

Cochrane protocols: the icing on the PROSPERO cake

We are pleased to announce that new Cochrane protocols are now being automatically added to PROSPERO, the international prospective register of systematic reviews in health and social care. 

The Cochrane Collaboration has always been a strong supporter of the principle of registration of protocols for all systematic reviews. This support has been mobilised in the agreement that new Cochrane protocols published from 1 October 2013 onward are to be included in PROSPERO. Joint work to develop an automated upload of key features from new Cochrane protocols for interventions and diagnostic test accuracy reviews means this information will be available within PROSPERO without adding to the work of Cochrane reviewers. Read more...

York research reveals incomplete reporting of adverse events for bone growth product

Adverse events linked to a product used to promote bone growth are incompletely and inadequately reported in the published literature, reveals new research from the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York. Read more...

York researchers question the effectiveness and safety of bone growth product

The clinical advantage of a product used to promote bone growth has been questioned by research from the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York. Read more...

Seminar: Immunonutrition for very preterm infants

Professor William McGuire, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health - Hull York Medical School / CRD. 23 May 2013

CRD welcomes Visiting Fellow in Knowledge Translation.

Dr Sam Oddie is seconded to CRD one day a week from his role as a consultant neonatologist at Bradford and will be working with Professor Bill McGuire in knowledge translation and implementation in neonatalogy. 


CRD hosted an international meeting to develop an extension to the PRISMA reporting guidelines tailored specifically for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of individual participant data. Read more...

2nd International Symposium on Systematic Reviews in Laboratory Animal Science

Alison Booth presented on "Registration of experimental studies and systematic reviews" at the 2nd International Symposium on Systematic Reviews in Laboratory Animal Science held in Edinburgh on 7 and 8 March 2013. For further information:

Seminar: Involvement of patients in an IPD meta-analysis: What have we learned?

Claire Vale, Senior Scientist in the Meta-analysis Group at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit. 15 January 2013 


1000th record published on PROSPERO

CRD is pleased to announce that PROSPERO now contains over 1000 registrations. The 1000th record is for a systematic review of the accuracy of first trimester ultrasound in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The review is being undertaken by clinical researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK and can be found at

Launched in February 2011, PROSPERO is an international register of ongoing systematic reviews. It is free to register and free to search; records are permanent and contain key protocol details agreed through an international consultation.

PROSPERO allows those commissioning or planning reviews to see if there are any reviews already underway that address their topic of interest. This helps avoid unintended duplication and means resources can be more effectively allocated. Advanced publication of protocol details also allows comparison of what was planned with the methods or outcomes reported in the published review. This should help improve quality and increase confidence that systematic reviews are providing best-quality evidence to inform policy and practice.

For further information go to or contact Alison Booth at

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

DARE has a wide collection of systematic reviews of the treatment of childhood cancer, and this month we highlight a range of reviews being undertaken at CRD that focus on ameliorating the effects of the aggressive therapies used in the quest for cure. Read more...

Seminar: Using meta-analysis to inform clinical trial design

Julian Higgins, Professor of Evidence Synthesis at CRD and Programme Leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge. 27 November 2012

Using meta-analysis to inform clinical trial design (PDF , 130kb)

3rd School of Paediatrics Annual Meeting, 16 November 2012, Hull

Dr Bob Phillips presented a masterclass on oncology and haematology.

Anita Mercer, a 5th Year HYMS medical student, who undertook a three-week special study module with Dr Bob Philips looking at the practical use of Evidence-based Medicine, won the Medical Student prize at the 3rd Yorkshire School of Paediatrics Conference in October 2012.

Anita split her Medical Student Elective period into two parts, working clinically for four weeks and using the latter four weeks to to examine the evidence behind a clinical dilemma that had arisen during her work in a large children's hospital. The subsequent project was presented at the Paediatric Research Society's Winter Meeting in November 2012.

World Diabetes Day 2012: To coincide with World Diabetes Day on 14 November, we highlight the latest evidence available on DARE that examines self-monitoring of blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes who are not using insulin. Read more...


Smoking is the greatest single cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK.

To coincide with the launch of Stoptober, we highlight key systematic reviews available on DARE that examine the effectiveness of interventions designed to help smokers quit. Read more...

ACT now: Accuracy, Completeness, and Transparency in health research reporting, 11 - 12 October 2012, Freiburg, Germany

Alison Booth presented two posters at this scientific symposium: PROSPERO: an international prospective register of systematic reviews and PROSPERO: the first year of an international prospective register of systematic reviews. 

Seminar: Finding needles in (giant) haystacks: use of text mining to support study selection by reducing screening workload

James Thomas, Associate Director, EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education and Ian Shemilt, Senior Research Associate, Behaviour and Health Research Unit, University of Cambridge. 11 September 2012

Celebrating Success – turning best practice into common practice in maternal and infant health and care

William McGuire, Professor of Child Health at HYMS and CRD and Co-Director of the Maternal and Infant Health and Care theme,Yorkshire & Humber HIEC, gave a talk on the challenges in changing neonatal care practices at this innovative, multidisciplinary conference. Read more...

9th HTAi Annual Meeting

CRD staff attended the 9th HTAi Annual Meeting and gave poster and oral presentations.



XXIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine

William McGuire, Professor of Child Health at HYMS and CRD, was an invited speaker at XXIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine in Paris on 14th June. His presentations focussed on key design issues for pragmatic randomised controlled trials in perinatal care; and the role of systematic reviews in informing perinatal practice and research agendas.

Dr Lauren Young, NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Child Health, who is attached to CRD for 3 years assessing the evidence of effect of different nutrient supplements on outcomes for very preterm infants (with Bill McGuire), gave an oral presentation presenting systematic review of ‘post-hospital discharge’ nutrition strategies which found evidence that current practice of giving infants expensive energy-enriched milk does not accelerate growth or development. Her findings were recently published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Seminar: The ongoing battle to get the need for systematic reviews accepted

Sir Iain Chalmers, James Lind Initiative. 29 May 2012

The management of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and cost effectiveness analysis

Frozen shoulder is a painful condition in which movement of the shoulder can become severely restricted. Frozen shoulder impacts on working life, leisure and general quality of life and can take up to three years to resolve. Read more...

Seminar: What is evidence? Where to find it, what to do with it? Lessons from chlamydia

Professor Tony Ades, School of Social & Community Medicine, University of Bristol. 22 February 2012

PROSPERO, looking good one year on.

PROSPERO, the first open access online facility to prospectively register systematic reviews reports a successful first year with researchers from 27 countries around the world registering reviews. Read more...


CRD announces new partnership with PubMed Health 

A new partnership between the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York and PubMed Health is launched today. Read more...

CRD to review the effectiveness and safety of bone growth product  

CRD is to conduct a major independent review of the effectiveness and safety of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), a product used in spinal surgeries to promote bone growth. Read more...

Seminar: Systematic reviews of complex interventions

Professor Mark Petticrew , Department of Social and Environmental Health Research, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 16 November 2011

Seminar: Value based pricing for pharmaceuticals: its role and prospects in a newly devolved UK NHS

Professor Karl Claxton, Department of Economics and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York. 7 September 2011

Seminar: Pitfalls in the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of randomised clinical trials

Richard Stephens, Research Scientist at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London (Retired). 8 June 2011

Seminar: Antidepressant medication: the Emperor's new drugs

Professor Irving Kirsch, Associate Director, Program in Placebo Studies and the Therapeutic Encounter, Harvard Medical School; Professor Emeritus, University of Hull and University of Connecticut. 6 April 2011

CRD leading global initiative to improve the transparency and reporting of systematic reviews 

A major global research initiative to register systematic review protocols is being led by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Read more...


Seminar: Citation analysis as a measure of research impact

Dr Julie Nightingale, Director of Radiography, School of Health, Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Salford. 8 December 2010


Review questions use of antivirals to treat healthy adults with seasonal flu

Use of antiviral drugs for the treatment of people presenting with symptoms is unlikely to be the most appropriate course of action during a seasonal outbreak suggests a new systematic review published ahead of print in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases. Read more...

The evidence base for influenza intervention

In this statement, we collate the most up to date evidence on prevention and treatment from the internationally renowned CRD databases. Read more...

Presumed consent for organ donation

Introducing presumed consent or opt-out system may increase organ donation rates, suggests a new systematic review published on today. Read more...