Accessibility statement

About us

CRD is a research department that specialises in evidence synthesis, assembling and analysing data from multiple research studies to generate policy relevant research. We undertake high quality systematic reviews and associated economic evaluations, develop underpinning methods, and promote and facilitate the use of research evidence in decision-making.

Over the past 20 years we have completed over 200 systematic reviews covering a wide range of health care topics, many of which have had a direct impact on national policy. Building on the new University of York Research Strategy CRD is extending into new policy areas aligned with health and wellbeing.

Contact details

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
A/B Block, Alcuin College
University of York
York YO10 5DD

Tel: (General Enquiries) +44 (0)1904 321040

How to find us

X @crd-york