Department seminars
This seminar series brings presentations on leading research and pedagogy to a broad audience within our Department. The seminars are open to the general public and free of charge. All are welcome, booking is not required and anyone wishing to attend need only turn up.
A selection of previous seminars can be watched on our YouTube channel.
Upcoming seminars
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Past events
Human-Centred AI and Robotics in Manufacturing Systems
Dr John Oyekan, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science will be presenting this seminar.
What Reinforcement Learning Tells Us about Happiness
Join Professor Eleni Vasilaki as she discusses the reinforcement learning method.
Mixed Signals: audio and wearable data analysis for health diagnostics
Wearable and mobile devices are very good proxies for human behaviour. Yet, making the inference from the raw sensor data to individuals’ behaviour remains difficult. Here Professor Cecilia Mascolo reflect on the challenges and opportunities.
Trust & Governance for Autonomous Vehicle Deployment
Professor Philip Koopman joins us to discuss autonomous vehicle deployment governance.
A Bayesian approach to the Social Network Analysis of Animal Behaviour
Join us on Campus East for this engaging seminar on animal behaviour
Conditional Contextual Refinement (CCR): conditional, compositional and gradual specifications for open programs.
Hosted by Simon Forster with guest speaker Professor Chung-Kil Hur
Towards the Autonomous Evolution of Robotics Ecosystems
Robot design is traditionally the domain of humans – engineers, physicists, and increasingly AI experts. Evolutionary computing is a well-known technology that has been applied in various aspects of robotics for many years, for example to design controllers or body-plans.
Understanding Human Network Behavior: Ideas for reforming social media
Alex "Sandy" Pentland, Toshiba Professor at MIT and one of the most-cited computational scientists in the world and entrepreneur, will be delivering the 2021 Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt lecture.
National Nuclear User Facility for Hot Robotics
Find out about The National Nuclear User Facility for Hot Robotics.
PREMIER: Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment
Active ingredients from medicines can get into the environment through a variety of routes, and once there they can prove harmful to wildlife and ecosystems. In the EU, new medicines are required to undergo an environmental risk assessment (ERA). However, so far just a handful of the 1900 or so active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in use have been assessed.
Natural Morphological Computation as Foundation of Learning to Learn in Humans, Other Living Organisms, and Intelligent Machines
The emerging contemporary natural philosophy provides a common ground for the integrative view of the natural, the artificial, and the human-social knowledge and practices.
Evolving embodied intelligence and Use of Robotics in the Management and Conservation of the Pemba Channel Tanzania
Presentations from Professor Dr. A.E. Eiben on evolving real robots for engineering and research, and Kennedy Edeye on the use of Robotics in the management and conservation of the Pemba Channel seafloor, Tanzania
Human-Centric Object Interactions - A Fine-Grained Perspective from Egocentric Videos
Coloured noise and the evolution of environmental tolerance in artificial evolutionary systems
James Borg, Lecturer in Evolutionary Systems at Keele University, argues that our models of environmental variability should exhibit characteristics of 'coloured noise', especially when exploring artificial evolutionary dynamics.
Algorithmic fairness and decision landscapes
Dr Annette Zimmermann will develop three arguments for why scrutinizing available decision landscapes matters in our pursuit of algorithmic fairness.
YCCSA “Lightning” talks
Three lightning talks will give an insight into ongoing projects within YCCSA.
Developing Voice Technologies for Children: Technical and Ethical Considerations for the Creative Industries
Hear Dr Jenn Chubb and Dr Sondess Missaoui map a way in which to consider the social context within technology development substantiated and supported by argumentation from within literature.
Quantum supremacy: data security and the race for encryption standards in the post-quantum world
Delaram Kahrobaei reveals how the speed and power of quantum computing could soon break the codes that protect our most sensitive data.
Immersed in a good game: why you shouldn’t feel guilty about playing The Legend of Zelda and other digital games
Paul Cairns explores the diverse cognitive experiences of playing games.
Embedding artificial intelligence on chips
Themis Prodromakis will present the challenges in manufacturing and using new AI technologies and examples on how these can be used in practical applications: from bio-electronic medicines to 'AI on a chip' solutions.
Unsupervised Bayesian and Deep Learning Models of Morphology
Burcu Can will present her work.
Hate Detection in COVID-19 Tweets in the Arab Region using Deep learning and Topic Modeling
The massive scale of social media platforms requires an automatic solution for detecting hate speech.
Digital twins powered by IIOT and industrial AI: a co-creation between data scientists and engineers
The technology and operation of assets are complex, but the adoption of IIoT in and its use with IT/OT platforms enables the use of ‘digital twins’ to manage, monitor and maintain assets in a totally different way.
Flattening the curve of the COVID-19 infodemic
The World Health Organization acknowledged that “The 2019-nCoV outbreak and response has been accompanied by a massive ‘infodemic’ … that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it”. We will discuss the tools developed at QCRI to provide support towards addressing this problem and information manipulation in general in the context of social media and traditional media outlets.
Chord Signaling
Professor Amin Shokrollahi introduces a new modulation scheme for chip-to-chip communication known as 'chordal codes'.
Why doesn't Johnny write secure software?
Software is in the very fabric of the systems we utilise in our daily lives - from online banking to social media through to critical infrastructures that bring water and electricity to our homes and drive systems such as transportation, health and governmental services.
On the Convergence of Local SGD on Identical and Heterogeneous Data(Pilot talk of FLOW: Federated Learning One World Seminar)
The Federated Learning One World (FLOW) seminar provides a global online forum for the dissemination of latest scientific research results in all aspects of federated learning, including distributed optimization, learning algorithms, privacy, cryptography, personalization, communication compression, and new generation models.
Learning Bayesian networks with and without hidden variables
Bayesian networks (BNs) represent patterns of conditional independence between random variables and sometimes also represent causal relations.
Advances in Parallel Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems
This talk will describe a series of recent advances in parallel real-time systems research, including both theoretical and practical results.
Material appearance constancy across different rendering platforms
This talk will discuss a genetic algorithm-based approach to derive a perceptually accurate mapping between the parameter spaces of parametric Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions.
On hyper-bent Boolean functions
This talk will give a complete survey on hyper-bent Boolean functions and present very recent results.
Interactions among Cryptography, Quantum Computation, Artificial Intelligence and Applied Algebra
Delaram Kahrobaei presents her research on Cryptography, Quantum Computation, Artificial Intelligence and Applied Algebra.
Formal Methods in UTRC
Georgios Giantamidis presents his research on formal methods workflows.