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Student representation


Every year, the University of York Students' Union and academic departments work together to ensure that students are represented within the University.

Academic reps help to raise course, department and faculty-wide issues, and make long-lasting changes to improve your academic experience. 

You can go to academic reps with any feedback about best practice, concerns or suggestions about how the Department or aspects of your programme are run.

There are three types of academic reps:

  • Course Reps are the voice of their cohort and become specialists in course-based issues. They work with staff to help identify and tackle problems that arise.
  • Department Reps take on a leadership role and support Course Reps to make positive change to the Department as a whole. Department Reps are also invaluable contacts at the University of York Students' Union and take part in University-wide projects that improve the student experience.
  • Faculty Reps work behind the scenes to ensure that the student voice is heard at all levels. By sitting on high-level committees, they influence University-wide decisions as well as pushing forward their own manifesto projects.

Meet your reps

The student community in Computer Science has now elected the following course representatives for the Department:

YUSU Department Rep

Your YUSU Department Rep

Lurvïsh Polodoo

Undergraduate Course Reps

Undergraduate course reps

  • Stage 1 students: To be appointed
  • Stage 2 students: To be appointed
  • Stage 3 students: To be appointed 
  • Stage 4 students: To be appointed
  • All Computer Science / Mathematics students: To be appointed
  • Students on their Year in Industry: To be appointed

MSc Course Reps

On-campus and online MSc reps

On-campus courses

  • ACS students: To be appointed
  • HCIT students: To be appointed
  • Cyber students: To be appointed
  • AI students: To be appointed

Online courses

Please go to the York Online Student Representative Directory (UoY login required)

Postgraduate Research Course Reps

Postgraduate research reps

  • Computer Science postgraduate research students: To be appointed
  • IGGI postgraduate research students: To be appointed
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs): To be appointed

YUSU: representing the student voice

The University of York Students' Union is a representative organisation which ensures that every single student at York feels like their voice is heard. It is always searching for students who are passionate about making positive change.

You could represent students on your course by becoming a course rep, get involved in student networks and campus-wide campaigns, or become a full-time Sabbatical Officer for an entire year.


Do you have any questions about what course reps do and how to get involved? Email Lurvïsh, your department rep, at Alternatively, email

Course reps haven't yet been elected for the 2024/25 academic year.