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UG3 individual project advisor interaction

COM00015H (PRBX)

BoS (2023/Spr) approved the following schedule for meetings and formative feedback.

Schedule of meetings

S1/5 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S1/7 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S1/10 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S2/1 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S2/4 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S2/6 30 minute meeting with project advisor.
S2/9 30 minute meeting with project advisor.


  1. The above are normative guidelines. Flexibility is expected, from advisors & advisees. For example, meetings can be rescheduled to other weeks for illness, attendance at interview, and so on.
  2. The above also outlines the minimum expectation on an advisor from the student. Additional meetings can be arranged at the discretion of the advisor based on the complexity of the project and the needs of the student, but should be limited such that no student can gain an unfair advantage over their peers.
  3. Where several students are working on similar projects advisors may choose to have students attend together.

Formative and summative assessment points

What Date due Feedback due Type
Project plan and outline S1/6 S1/8 Formative
Draft outline of background/literature review S1/11 S2/1 Formative
Draft outline of methodology/design S2/2 S2/4 Formative
Full draft of dissertation S2/7 S2/9 Formative
Final version




  1. "Due to the independent nature of the project, supervisors are not required or expected to do complete reads of dissertation sections or the full draft document."
  2. Formative reports should be submitted directly to the advisor as a PDF
  3. Feedback on formative assessments will be written, and meet the template below. It may be plain text, PDF or, with the student's agreement, any other convenient format.

Formative assessment feedback template

Feedback on formative artefact for UG3 Project
Student [Name]
Advisor [Name]
Artefact [One of: review; methodology & results; final draft]
Date submitted [Date]
Date feedback [Date]
[Text, or pointer to comments embedded in a copy of the submitted PDF, or both.]