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Project work: reflective component

The marking criteria for the reflective component has been set centrally by the Science faculty's Professional Skills Working Group. Your project report will be marked according to the following detailed criteria:





Identifies experiences that have had significance





Can identify specific incidents and activities of significance to their learning.  These are described briefly and with only relevant detail

Identifies activities on a general level (working in a team, managing time, researching new areas) without the focus of a specific incident.  May include very little detail or too much information that does not support the case for learning

Little or no focus on concrete experiences or activities.  Discusses the project in the abstract or third party.  Does not place themselves and/or their role in the description.  Detail or narrative that does not contribute to establishing an argument for learning/development

Makes a clear case for learning from an experience






Identifies learning from an experience in a logical and credible fashion.  Demonstrates links between the experience and the learning considering: elements of personal challenge, tangible evidence that the learning has taken place, ranges of learning from ‘hard skills’ through to personal insights

Recognises learning from experiences, even if the links between the two are vague or generalised.  Evidence of learning is presented but may be expressed somewhat impersonally. 

Learning is presented without a clear link to experiences or is generalised and impersonal.  Little or no evidence that the learning has been personalised to the student’s own situation

Demonstrates the personal significance of the learning, including potential future value 






Understands and articulates the importance of the learning acquired.  Potentially presents the role the learning might have in future activities; academic or professional.

Significance of the learning is partially addressed; it might be of value but the student understands that their future plans are too vague at this stage to make this judgement.  

Little or no attention paid to the ‘so what?’ of the learning.  Little or no evaluation of the future value of the learning in any context.

Ability to honestly evaluate and critique personal performance in the context of the project





Offers credible evaluations of personal performance related to appropriate criteria.  Evidence of mature consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses.  Consideration of the future implications of these insights

Provides evaluation of personal performance which deals only with immediate successes or weaknesses; little or no consideration of longer term implications of this evaluation

Personal evaluation is cursory or lacks sufficient insight to be credible.  No consideration of implications

Writes clearly and appropriately for the context of the report.  





Writing is clear, concise and clearly focused around the evaluation of personal learning and performance on the project.  Considers personal development alongside technical skills as required.

Account presented clearly to the reader but may lack important details to make it wholly convincing or dwells on a few areas in detail at the expense of other elements

Writing is either cursory and lacking in appropriate detail or provides excessive contextual or irrelevant information.