Accessibility statement

Projects initiated by students

A student, perhaps in collaboration with an external organisation such as a placement company, may propose a project.

All such projects must be adopted by an academic member of staff, who will collaborate on content and presentation of the proposal. The proposal must include:

  • justification and motivation for the work,
  • evidence that suitable literature exists,
  • a work plan that can plausibly lead to a report which can be assessed for meeting all the relevant learning outcomes (including, for example, that a proposal for CS with AI is an AI project) against the appropriate marking criteria,
  • an approved budget for any extra expenses (see below), and
  • an argument that, if the project is in collaboration with an outside organisation, then it is viable if the organisation withdraws its cooperation.

Once the proposal has been agreed it should be entered in the project allocation database as normal, marked as for the student, rather for a set of modules. The proposal will require vetting by the advisor's allocated vetter and the proposal must be appropriate for the learning outcomes stated in the module descriptor for your degree programme.

Extra expenses

Some projects incur extra expense, for example, for special equipment or a software licence. If this is necessary a budget must be approved by the Departmental Technical Manager and supervisor before the project is allocated.

Confidential material

Collaboration with external organisations may involve restricted data. It is essential that the final report can be read by all the examiners, both internal and external.