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MSc Human-Centred Interactive Technologies: Individual projects

COM00109M (PRMH)

Format and submission

Please direct any queries about the information on this page to Prof. Paul Cairns, Programme Lead for MSc Human-Centred Interactive Technologies.

Format for submission

A modified version of the ACM Large format is mandated. This is the format used by many major journals, and is a single column.

For those who do not use Microsoft Word and need to transfer to another application, the general template information is as follows:

  1. A title page to include title, supervisor and student name. This does not count towards the overall page count,
  2. A Table of Contents: begin this on a new page. It does not count towards the overall page count,
  3. Fonts: body text is Calibri or an equivalent sans-serif font at 11 points. All paragraphs should be indented with the exception of those following a heading, figure, table or another floating object in the text. Body text is at 1.25 spacing,
  4. Page numbers should be inserted on all pages (except the title page), and should be centred,
  5. An abstract must be included with the appropriate header,
  6. Heading 1: 12 point bolded, all capital letters and numbered starting at 1. All headings have half a line space before them,
  7. Heading 2: 12 point bolded, sentence case, numbered in the style of X.Y where X is the section, Y is the subsection,
  8. Heading 3: 12 point emphasized (italics), sentence casing, numbered in the style of X.Y.Z, where X is the section, Y is the subsection, and Z is the subsubsection,
  9. Heading 4: 11 point bolded, sentence case, numbered continuing the pattern above. You should try to avoid going beyond four headings. However, if you need to then continue the pattern above,
  10. All tables are in body text font with bolded headings,
  11. All tables should be captioned at the top in bold and numbered appropriately,
  12. All figures should be captioned at the bottom in bold and numbered appropriately,
  13. Appropriate keywords should be provided (you do not need ACM classifications),
  14. Referencing should be one of ACM, IEEE or APA format used consistently throughout. Referencing should be the last section of the document and does not count towards page count,
  15. Margins are 2.54cm all around.


The report is limited to maximums of 30 pages and 15,000 words excluding front matter, references and appendices.


  1. All source material that is used, whether by direct quotation or not, must be acknowledged. See the University of York Academic Integrity site. (If you are an undergraduate student see section 5.7.1 of the Undergraduate Handbook. If you are a taught postgraduate student see section 4.7.1 of the Postgraduate Handbook. Both handbooks are available via the Handbook page).
  2. Reports must be typeset. If absolutely necessary, some formulæ or figures may be handwritten or hand-drawn, and then scanned.
  3. Reports must only be submitted in PDF, through the Teaching Portal, the Department's electronic submissions system. (Other formats, such as hard copy, PostScript, .doc, .docx, .rtf or similar, will not be accepted).
  4. Students must adhere to any word and page limits. Staff marking your project dissertation are instructed to stop reading when a limit is reached. (Quality is much more important than quantity; you should not aim to come close to the upper limit simply to make your report appear substantial).
  5. Do not include your examination number anywhere in your report.
  6. All tables, figures and equations should be labelled or numbered. Where appropriate, separate lists of tables, figures and equations should be included at the start of the report. Conventions for labelling or numbering tables and figures should be applied consistently.

Sample Marking Form

View the sample marking form.


An example template for HCIT projects is provided below.

HCIT_Project_Template-2021-22 (MS Word , 3,276kb) 

Electronic Submission System

All project work is submitted through the Computer Science Teaching Portal.