Accessibility statement

ACS individual projects: Format & Submission

COM00140M (PACS)

Please direct any queries about the information on this page to the Programme Lead for the Advanced Computer Science MSc (Prof. Sam Braunstein)

Format for submission

Your report should be written in the style of an academic conference paper, using the IEEE Conference style. Your report should contain:

  • An abstract;
  • A suitable introduction;
  • A section outlining related work and other literature;
  • Appropriate sections describing the methodologies used;
  • A write up of results and associated discussions;
  • A conclusion.


The report is limited to fourteen (14) pages of A4, using the mandated IEEE formats. This limit does not include references or appropriate appendices, but does include all other content.


  1. All source material that is used, whether by direct quotation or not, must be acknowledged, in the IEEE referencing style. See the University of York Academic Integrity site. (If you are an undergraduate student see section 5.7.1 of the Undergraduate Handbook. If you are a taught postgraduate student see section 4.7.1 of the Postgraduate Handbook. Both handbooks are available via the Handbook page).
  2. Reports must be typeset. If absolutely necessary, some formulæ or figures may be handwritten or hand-drawn, and then scanned.
  3. Reports must only be submitted in PDF, through the Department's electronic submissions system. (Other formats, such as hard copy, PostScript, .doc, .docx, .rtf or similar, will not be accepted).
  4. Students must adhere to any word and page limits. Staff marking your project dissertation are instructed to stop reading when a limit is reached.
  5. Do not include your examination number anywhere in your report.
  6. The title and author should be stated at the top of the first page, as per a standard conference paper.
  7. All tables, figures and equations should be labelled or numbered. Where appropriate, separate lists of tables, figures and equations should be included at the start of the report. Conventions for labelling or numbering tables and figures should be applied consistently.

Sample Marking Form


Templates and template instructions can be found on the IEEE website here, but the main templates are also included below.

IEEE Conference Word Template (MS Word , 29kb)

IEEE Conference LaTeX Template (zip , 746kb)

IEEE Conference BibTeX Template (zip , 308kb) 

Electronic Submission System