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‌Exam Timetables

When examination timetables are agreed for the year, they will be published on your timetable.

Abridged versions of the timetables showing the exams for Computer Science students will appear on this web page.

The University publishes the dates of the exam periods each year, and the University's examinations team (based in Student Services) schedule exams across all departments.

For more information about exams, see the University's Assessment and Examination pages.

When exam timetables will be published

To be confirmed for the 2023/24 academic year.

Abridged timetables for Computer Science exams and assessments

This section will be updated when the exam timetables are published.

Semester One

Exams and assessments in Semester One

CS Semester 1 Exam Timetable 2023/24 (PDF , 124kb)

Semester Two

Exams and assessments in Semester Two

Semester 2 Exam Timetable 2023/24 (PDF , 149kb)

Summer Vacation

Exams and assessments in the Summer vacation (resits)

CS Summer Exam Resit Timetable 2023/24 (PDF , 136kb)


Open assessments

Open reassessment sits and resits are issued by the Department of Computer Science, and are not published on the University's examinations timetable. This section will be updated when the dates for reassessment are published.

There is no fee for resitting open assessments.


Examination sits and resits are scheduled by the central examinations team. This section will be updated when the resit exam timetables are published. 

All students sitting centrally timetabled (closed exam) resits will be required to pay a resit fee of £30 per exam. The resit fee should be paid before the date of the exam. Communication via email and e:Vision will contain details of how and when to pay the resit fee. There is no resit fee for exams classed as first attempts.

Read more about formal closed exams.