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Departmental Teaching Committee


The Departmental Teaching Committee (DTC) is a sub-committee of the Board of Studies, to which it reports. Its purpose is to provide a forum where time can be spent discussing curriculum development.

Its membership includes staff who contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Department, and student representatives who attend the meeting for the main agenda items.

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference 

  • To oversee the Department's taught programmes within the framework approved by the Board of Studies. To consider proposals to institute, amend, revise or withdraw modules or programmes and make recommendations to the Board of Studies.
  • To coordinate teaching across programmes.
  • Within the framework of UTC statements of policy and good practice in respect of quality management, to define, develop and keep under regular review departmental Quality Management processes and mechanisms in relation to teaching.
  • To review and recommend to the Board of Studies, strategic changes to the Department's programmes and curricula as a whole.
  • To note the main matters arising in the minutes of the Departmental Student Staff Forum (SSF) and where necessary, to respond.
  • To consider External Examiner's reports and pass them on to the Board of Studies together with recommendations for action.
  • To contribute to the Annual Programme Review Report to the University Teaching Committee.


Four members, including one staff member as Chair.

Membership of DTC

Membership of DTC (on-campus teaching)

The membership of the Committee consists of:

  • Chair: Jen Beeston
  • Deputy Head of Department (on-campus teaching): Ian Gray
  • Chair Board of Studies: Katrina Attwood
  • Chair Student Staff Forum: To be appointed
  • GTA Student Representative: To be appointed
  • Student Representatives
  • Student and Academic Support Services Manager: Debra Lashua (or a representative from the SASS team)
  • Undergraduate Programme Leaders: Steven Wright (Single subject Computer Science) and Detlef Plump (Combined Computer Science / Mathematics)
  • MSc Programme Leaders: Xinwei Fang (ACS), Siamak Shahandashti (Cyber Security), William Smith (AI), Christina Vasiliou (HCIT), Richard Hawkins (SCSE)
  • Secretary: Kate Taylor

Mailing list all members of DTC, including student representatives.

Meetings dates

Meeting dates

For 2024/25, DTC meetings are to be scheduled.


Minutes of meetings

Minutes of meetings

Useful links