Call for Summer Venables Internships - Supported by Phil Venables (BSc Computer Science,1989) and YorRobots

News | Posted on Thursday 17 March 2022

There are 8-10 internships available at a value of £297 per week.

There are 8-10 internships available at a value of £297 per week, for a period of 8 to 10 weeks, each. The goal of this initiative is to involve students from any department at the University of York in robotics research supervised by one or two academics, also from the University of York. We welcome applications from students or supervisors on topics related to the “Robotics” remit of EPSRC.

Watch the poster presentations from students that completed the Venables Internship in 2021 (from 4 minutes 20 seconds onwards).

Requirements for the project:

  • Students interested in the opportunity should identify an academic (in any department) that is interested in supervising the work, and can help to develop a research project. Students are more likely to be successful if they approach potential supervisors with their own idea for a project. Priority will be given to multi-disciplinary projects that involve a lead supervisor from any University of York department and a secondary supervisor from a different research group at the University of York. For further advice, please contact for suggestions of prospective supervisors. The members of the YorRobots Executive Committee may also be able to provide advice regarding colleagues in their own department.
  • Supervisors applications have to include a lead supervisor from any UoY Department and a secondary supervisor from a different group (in a UoY or non-UoY Department). New collaborations are very welcome. Supervisors do not have to name a student but, if they can, a named student is a positive point.

A final report on the results of the project will be requested in October 2022. Students will also be expected to present a poster describing their work in an event on 26 October 2022 from 2pm to 4pm, where prizes will be given for the best presentation, best poster and best work.

How to apply

  • Students must be studying at undergraduate level and be a registered student of UoY.
  • Applicants should complete the application form and write an outline of their proposed project. This should be a single page of A4 (11 pt. type). It should explain the context of the project, research outline, and expected outcome and impact. Supervisors should comment on how they plan to take the work forward beyond the end of the internship.
  • Student applicants should attach a copy of their University of York transcript.
  • Project costs are to be spent on the student, so consumables need to be found from other sources by the supervisor(s).
  • Project duration is expected to be 8 to 10 weeks between June and September.

Deadline for submission is 30 April 2022

Applications will be reviewed by the members of the YorRobots Executive Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 May 2022.

If you have any queries, please email