There's a team for you

With over 1,500 students competing for their college every week, no matter your skill level, there’s a college sports team for you. 

Whether you’re looking to make friends, keep fit, or take your skills to the next level, sport is a great way to get involved and represent your college community.

How to take part

Purchase your membership

Visit the University of York Students' Union website at the link below to buy your college sport membership

Sign up to clubs

At your college sports fair or by contacting your college sport rep or college staff team.

Join in

Attend regular training sessions, take part in competitions and go on sporting socials.

*Members of David Kato College should purchase the joint membership with Anne Lister College. Members of Wentworth Graduate College should purchase a Halifax College membership.

What sports are available?

A Derwent Football Game Full Length Image Banner

Team sports

Work with college members to get it across the line in rugby, shoot some hoops in basketball and netball, rally it out in volleyball or find the back of the net in hockey and football.

A Girl Playing Badminton

Racquet sports

Smash out some sets solo or pair up with a partner in a game of tennis, squash or badminton.

A Game of Darts

Pub sports

Honed your pool or darts skills in the pub? Take them to a wider audience by playing for your college.

A Game of Cricket

Summer sports

Nothing marks the start of summer time more than when the cricket and rounders season begins on campus.

What if a sport isn’t available?

If your college doesn’t have a team for one of the above sports, or a sport is missing from the list, you can participate in the team of another college, or work with college staff to set up a new one.

To start a sports team, you’ll need at least five members. Contact your college staff or student committee to find out about the next steps.

College competitions

If you’d like to test your competitive edge, there are a variety of competitions to get involved with; from qualifiers to leagues, college cups and the college varsity against Durham University each year.

As well as being a great experience to participate in, there’s ample opportunity to come along and cheer for your college team too.

View live fixtures, results and league tables

Other ways to get involved

There are more ways to participate than just playing a sport.

You could be a college sport rep and help organise teams and run events, officiate games as a sporting official or join the college sport committee and oversee how college sport is run.

Find out more on the YUSU sports page