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Home>Centre for Industry Education Collaboration>School resources>Primary resources>Turf Troubles

Turf Troubles

  • Age range: 7-9 years
  • Science topic: Plants
  • Type of enquiry: Comparative/fair tests

A sports company wish to provide a turf surface at a sports ground suitable for a range of activities. Information is required on suitable grass types and the best growing conditions. They also need to know how much water will be needed, and the effects of soil type. By investigating various conditions of plant growth the children discover which will produce the best grass.

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Top Turf

Science topic: Plants
Type of enquiry: Comparative/fair tests
Keywords: plants, turf, growing conditions, fair test, variables, observe, measure, control, data logger

A newspaper article stimulates an investigation into the variables required for healthy plant growth (light, temperature, water and air). The investigative focus enables children to work scientifically in a variety of ways.

Which Liquid?

Science topic: Plants
Type of enquiry: Comparative/fair tests
Keywords: plants, growing conditions, fair test, variables, observe, measure, control

A letter from a company that grows turf sets the context in which children investigate the effects of different liquids (drinks) on plant growth.

Which soil holds the most water?

Science topic: Plants
Type of enquiry: Comparative/fair tests
Keywords: rocks, soil, sandy, loam, clay, drainage, porous, fair test, variables, observe, measure

Experiments are set up to discover which type of soil best retains sufficient water to help the plant growth. There is an extension opportunity to investigate different soil types from mixtures of sand, compost and soil.


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