We work closely with a broad range of partners, including industry, government and charitable organisations, to deliver impact-focused, socially scientifically robust interdisciplinary research.

Our partners come from a variety of sectors and range from small charities through to large housing providers and governments at local, national and UK level. We have extensive international connections. CHP is dedicated to interdisciplinary research focused on increasing equality and quality of life in the built environment.

Contact us

+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.

Case studies

  • Imogen Blood Associates CHP has been working with IBA for several years, collaborating on work with Crisis, Homeless Link (Housing First England) and Riverside on supported housing and homelessness.
  • ActEarly CHP is part of an interdisciplinary network exploring prevention of non-infectious illness in childhood with colleagues in the University of York, University of Bradford, University College London (UCL) Bradford Council and Tower Hamlets.
  • FEANTSA CHP has a longstanding working relationship with the Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales Travaillant avec les Sans-Abri  (FEANTSA), the European Federation of Homelessness Organisations, centring on our participation in the European Observatory on Homelessness.

Contact us

+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.