CHP has a unique experience in the study of inequalities and housing markets. 

Our work has led debates on the private rented sector and low cost home ownership for decades, highlighting the effects of income on housing inequality and the vulnerability of some people with support needs.

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.

Our projects

The private rented sector: its contribution and potential

The ground-breaking study which has shaped policy debate for over a decade.

Read the Report (PDF , 4,310kb)

Overseas investors in London’s new build housing market

An exploration of the impact of foreign investment on London’s housing markets.

Affordable homeownership and the risk of homeownership

Work with the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust testing whether shared ownership is sustainable for lower-income homeowners.

Code encounters: algorithmic risk-profiling in housing

This project examines the societal impact of algorithmic risk-profiling tools used by lenders and landlords.

Vulnerability amongst low-income households in the private rented sector in England

An analysis of experiences including over-crowding, poverty and poor conditions in the private rented sector.

Read the Vulnerability amongst Low-Income Households (PDF , 1,545kb) report.

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.