CHP undertakes work on supported housing and housing, health and wellbeing.

Our work encompasses interdisciplinary studies with colleagues from health and medical research, alongside collaborations with supported housing service providers and impact-focused work on health and homelessness. 

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.

Our projects


Major interdisciplinary research on early life changes to improve health and opportunities for children.

Health and care services for people sleeping rough

A collaboration with the King’s Fund exploring views of people with lived experience.

Rock Trust Housing First for youth pilot

Testing the efficacy of Housing First for young people with complex health and support needs.

Supporting people with learning disabilities

Supporting people with learning disabilities at the edges of social care in social and private rented housing.

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.