CHP research explores the housing journeys of young people, older people and people with limiting illness and disability.

Our work highlights the routes by which people secure affordable, adequate and suitable homes and the barriers that they can face in achieving that goal, looking towards securing safe and stable housing pathways across society.

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.

Our projects

Making a home on a low income

Highlighting the difficulties in trying to make a home in an increasingly expensive housing system.

Real London lives

A longitudinal study examining the lives of London housing association tenants.

Ownership, narrative, things

An exploration of the tensions surrounding people’s identities as ‘owners’ in shared ownership.

The case for home ownership education

Are people entering into the major financial decisions without properly understanding the consequences?

Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.