The Centre for Housing Policy
Interdisciplinary research on housing and the built environment.
The Centre for Housing Policy (CHP) is an interdisciplinary research group focused on increasing equality and quality of life in the built environment.
Established in 1990 with support from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, our research priorities link to University of York research themes that include Justice and equality, Culture and communication, Environmental sustainability and resilience, Health and wellbeing and Risk, evidence and decision making. Our research in housing and environment is one of the main research themes for the School for Business and Society.
Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.
The goal for CHP is to promote better housing, better neighbourhoods and better lives. Our impact-driven research and research-led teaching are centred on reducing inequalities linked to housing markets, socially and environmentally degraded built environments, enabling regenerative housing policy and practice that creates fairer, healthier and more sustainable homes in the UK, Europe and beyond.
Professor Nicholas Pleace, Centre for Housing Policy Director
Essential collaborations
Our research
CHP has a strong reputation for producing academically excellent and policy-relevant research, with measurable impacts on policy and services.
Researchers have internationally-recognised expertise across the full range of housing issues, and skills from analysis of large scale data sets to interviewing vulnerable people.

- No homeless veterans roadmap
- Women's Homelessness: European Evidence Review
- Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) Accreditation: An Evaluation
- Making a sustainable community: Derwenthorpe, York, 2012- 2018
- Staying Close, Staying Connected project for young people leaving residential care
- Exploring Shared Ownership Markets outside London and the South East
- The Potential and Challenges of the Private Rented Sector
- European Homelessness and Covid-19
See more projects
Our partnerships
We have worked with the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Centrepoint, Crisis, the Department of Work and Pensions, the Department of Health and Social Care, the Economic and Social Research Council, Homeless Link, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Ministry of Housing, the Nationwide Foundation, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the National Institute for Health Research, Riverside, Shelter, St Mungo’s and the Scottish and Welsh Governments.
Internationally, we have worked with DIHAL, the European Commission, FEANTSA, the Finnish Ministry of Environment, Focus Ireland, Simon Communities of Ireland.

Research and teaching at CHP

CHP is an interdisciplinary group focusing on housing inequalities. Our research and PhD supervision is characterised by:
- Partnership working across the University and beyond
- Impact-driven research to produces positive social change
- An ethos focused on delivering better homes, better communities and better lives
- Co-productive methods, empowering people through our research
- A European and international outlook
Contact us
+44 (1904) 321231
University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.