EPSRC CDT in Chemical Synthesis for a Healthy Planet (CSHP)

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Centre and Doctoral Training in Chemical Synthesis for a Healthy Planet is a collaboration between the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford and the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at the University of York.

  • Funding: A tax-free annual stipend at the standard UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25 entry), research costs and tuition fees at UK rate
  • Academic year: 2025/26
  • Open to: UK (home) students
  • Qualification level: Postgraduate research
  • Number available: 4
Applications for 2025/26 are closed.

The programme will provide training to the next generation of synthetic chemists, developing a sustainable, innovative chemistry culture that equips students to address major emerging and future global challenges in Human Health, Energy & Materials, and Food Security.

The overarching objective is to train students to supersede current practices for the synthesis of functional organic molecules by developing sustainable, field-advancing synthetic pathways to the complex targets needed in drug discovery, agrochemistry, and materials development.

Student cohorts will work together on a 4-month training period, spending time at both the University of Oxford and the University of York. The costs associated with staying away from your host institution will be covered by the programme.

Following the completion of the 4-month training period students will begin to work on their main PhD projects. These substantive projects will be industry co-supervised, and based at either Oxford or York.

Find out more about the Centre and Doctoral Training in Chemical Synthesis for a Healthy Planet (CSHP CDT).

Contact details

Chemistry Postgraduate Admissions
+44 (0)1904 324544