Chemistry PhD Studentships
We offer three different funding streams for approved projects: Department of Chemistry scholarships, EPSRC studentships, and the Chemistry Wild Fund.
These scholarships include full tuition fees and an annual stipend at the standard research council rate (£19,237 for 2024/25). You will also receive a budget for consumables and training.
Studentships will be either 3 or 3.5 year duration, depending on the funder. Not all projects will be funded; candidates are appointed via a competitive process.
Open to International (including EU) and UK (home) students.
In order to be eligible you must also have an offer for a place on this course: PhD Chemistry
Funding comes from one of three sources:
- Department of Chemistry
UK fee payers only - EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
UK and overseas fee payers. Up to 30% of studentships may be awarded to exceptional students whose fees are charged at the overseas rate. - Chemistry Wild Fund
Overseas fee payers only
If you are made an offer, it will clearly state your funding source and duration. Find out more about your fee status.
Application deadline: Sunday 5 January 2025, 11.59pm GMT
Submit an online PhD Application Form by Sunday 5 January 11.59pm GMT including a CV, personal statement and the names and email addresses of two referees, at least one of whom should be an academic referee.
You are strongly advised to contact your referees prior to submitting your application form to seek their agreement to provide you with a reference.
In the Funding section, state that you are applying for a EPSRC Studentship.
On your application form, you should include the name(s) of the supervisor(s) and project(s) you are interested in. There is no need to provide a research proposal.
You do not need to submit a separate application for each project - you can list up to three projects on the same application form.
You may be invited to a first stage interview by the supervisor(s) you hope to complete your PhD with.
Interviews will be in person except for candidates overseas for whom a Zoom interview will be possible.
Each supervisor can nominate two candidates to the shortlisting panel by 22 January 2025.
A panel of Chemistry academic staff will shortlist nominated candidates to invite for a panel interview between 10-12 February 2025. The Graduate Awards Panel will meet soon after the interviews to award studentships.
All interviewed candidates and their prospective supervisors will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible following the panel meeting. You will be advised which funding stream you have been offered.
The Department will request that the University offers funded PhD positions to all successful candidates to start in 15 September 2025.
If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to attend a panel interview between 10-12 February 2025. Interviews will be in person except for candidates overseas for whom a Zoom interview will be possible. Invitations to interview will be sent by email the week commencing 27 January 2025.
As part of our commitment to Equality and Diversity, and Widening Participation, we are working with the YCEDE project ( to improve the number of under-represented groups participating in doctoral study. All Home applicants with eligible qualifications who self-identify as being a member of a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic group will be invited to a Panel interview for their chosen project(s). When the department acknowledges your application, you will have an opportunity to declare this information if you wish. Further information about the YCEDE project can be requested from Professor Avtar Matharu avtar.matharu
The panel interview will take approximately 20-25 minutes.
You will be asked to give a 5 minute presentation on your undergraduate / Masters project and then the panel will then ask you questions about your project which should take another 5 minutes.
The remaining 10-15 minutes will be questions and discussion on topics such as your motivation for carrying out a PhD and your relevant experience.
We will ask you to send your presentation to us in advance of the interview.
There will be five members of academic staff on the interview panel:
- Professor Victor Chechik (Chair)
- Professor Gideon Grogan (Graduate Admissions Tutor)
Dr Naomi Elstone
There may also be an Unconscious Bias Observer present at the interview. They will be observing the panel to ensure all interviews are conducted in accordance with the Department's equality, diversity and inclusion principles.
Candidates will be informed of the outcome by email as soon as possible following interviews.