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Schools liaison and outreach

The Department of Chemistry at the University of York has a dedicated Schools Liaison and Outreach programme that aims to engage young people of all ages with chemistry-based activities. These are offered by members of the department plus our Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC).

There are opportunities for school groups to visit the University to see some of the work that goes on in our laboratories, and members of the department go out to run activities in schools and at organised external events.

Activities and resources

Activities icon
Talks and hands-on activities for all ages


YSOC icon

York Science Outreach Centre - a dedicated lab for outreach


Chemistry Review

Chemistry Review iconOur exciting magazine for A-level Chemistry students


Outreach students

Centre for Industry Education Collaboration


Post-16 resources

Work experience icon

Resources for sixth formers and teachers 


Our partners

Partners icon

Organisations we collaborate with in our activities

Contact details

Dr Lizzie Wheeldon
Schools Liaison and Outreach Officer for Chemistry 

Joy Parvin
Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC)

General enquiries relating to Key Stages 1 and 2 should be directed to the CIEC and those regarding Key Stage 3 and above should be sent to the Schools Liaison and Outreach Office

Useful links


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