
The Laboratories house a suite of state of the art analytical instrumentation designed for measuring the trace composition of the atmosphere.  Much of this equipment is deployed on field campaigns and at overseas observatories. However we also have a set of laboratory instruments that are based permanently in the York labs for research. These highly sensitive instruments are available for collaborations within the atmospheric sciences and also be applied to many other applications. We actively encourage new potential users to contact us from academic institutions (UK and overseas) and commercial enterprises. 

Our key lab instrumentation include: 

  • Thermo UPLC-orbitrap MS
  • Bruker HPLC-HTC+ Ion Trap
  • Agilent GC-QTOF with olfactory detection port
  • Leco GCxGC-TOF
  • Agilent GC-MS (up to five instruments available)
  • Leco GCxGC-NCD
  • Agilent GC-FID and GCxGC-FID
  • Markes GC-BenchTOF
  • Markes International Thermal Desorption units (up to eight available)
  • Thermo Accelerated solvent extractor
  • Syft Technologies VOICE Ultra (three instruments) 

We have a collection of experts who provide consultation services to exploit our wealth of environmental monitoring knowledge and experience. We provide services which could be used for initial concept, proof of concept and new project risk mitigation (i.e. is it possible?). 


The COZI-Lab houses instruments which are internationally recognised and calibrated to international scales, meeting Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) data quality objectives.

WACL Air Sampling Platform (WASP) 

The WASP is a Nissan NV400SE L3H2 van, converted to allow mobile or stationary air sampling. There is a set of core measurements including NO, NO2, NOx, CH4, CO2, O3, SO2, CO, PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, wind speed, direction, and air temperature. In addition, other instruments can be installed in the rear cabin for example a mass spectrometer for VOCs.

For further information please contact Professor James Lee james.lee@york.ac.uk

Contact us

Jenny Hudson-Bell
WACL Research Administrator

+44 (0)1904 322609
Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York  YO10 5DD, United Kingdom.