Supported by outstanding facilities, we produce excellent fundamental and applied research. We focus on interdisciplinary, problem-solving research that addresses challenges and opportunities in human health, the environment, sustainability, and the development of new chemical technologies. A key focus of our research activity is training the next generation of research leaders in the chemical sciences.
As well as attracting significant funding from research councils (UK and EU) and charities, we have strong collaborative industry links, and we provide expertise and advice to policymakers.
We strive for our diverse research community to meet its full potential. We were the first chemistry department in the UK to receive an Athena Swan Gold award for our gender equality practice, which was recently renewed in recognition of our commitment and achievements.
We have seven research themes covering a range of interdisciplinary areas.
Research opportunities
Researchers in the department play a key role in pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge in the field of chemistry. We provide a range of opportunities and an outstanding environment, with state-of-the-art facilities, to help establish and develop your research career.
We are home to a number of specialist research centres:
We offer state-of-the-art equipment and analytical services to help external organisations solve chemical and biochemical problems: