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Dr Purba Mukherjee
EPSRC Open Fellow


Purba received her PhD from SUNY Albany, US in 2014, working under the supervision of Janice Pata on studying the mechanisms of Y- and C-family DNA polymerases. Following a short postdoctoral period in the group of Professor Don Coen at Harvard Medical School working on HSV-1 replication, Purba was awarded an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship to design and synthesise DNA-programmed, activity-regulated and targeted plasminogen activators as therapeutics with Professor Reza Ghadiri, at Scripps Institute in La Jolla, California, US (2015 to 2019). She continued her training in therapeutic protein fibrinolytics under Professor John Griffin at Scripps (2019 to 2020). In March 2020 she joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata India before moving her group to join the York Structural Biology Laboratory, within the Department of Chemistry when she was awarded a five-year EPSRC Open Fellowship. Purba’s research interests include DNA replication and repair processes, nucleic acids processing enzymes and chemoenzymatic biopolymer synthesis.

Contact details

Dr Purba Mukherjee
EPSRC Open Fellow
Department of Chemistry Room: B/K/173
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 328267

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