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Welcome to the O'Brien group web pages

O'Brien Group 2022



December 2022

  • Congratulations to Giordaina who passed her Viva!

Giordaina's Viva

November 2022

  • Congratulations to Ben on the successful defense of his thesis! We wish Ben well as he embarks on a his career at Apex Molecular.

Ben's Viva

September 2022

  • Congratulations to Giordaina for winning yet another prize - the Astex Pharmaceuticals poster competition at Astex, Cambridge!

Exploration of piperidine 3D fragment chemical space: synthesis and 3D shape analysis of fragments derived from 20 regio- and diastereoisomers of methyl substituted pipecolinates

July 2022 

  • Congratulations to Giordaina for winning a Roger J Mawby Demonstrator Award, for the best deomstrators in the undergraduate teaching labs!

Giordaina recieving her award


  •  Giordaina wins again - this time she delivered the best organic chemistry talk at the Sygnature Discovery Postgraduate Symposium. Congratulations!

Giordaina wins first prize at the Sygnature Symposium

June 2022 

  • Congratulations to Stephen on delivering an excellent lecture at the organic plenary session
  • Well done to Jake and Will on completing their MChem projects - celebrated with a group lunch.


May 2022


April 2022 

  • Peter delivered his first talk since lockdown for the Musgrave Lecture Symposium at Durham. 

  • Welcome to Giordaina who starts as a postdoc in the group, working on inhibitors of the Nsp3 macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2.


March 2022 


February 2022 

  • Welcome to Ben who starts as a postdoc in the group, working on the development of air stable organometallic gels in collaberation with Prof. Dave Smith.


December 2021 

2,2,5,5-Tetramethyloxolane (TMO) as a Solvent for Buchwald–Hartwig Aminations


September 2021


June 2021 


April 2021 

  • Peter delivered a department seminar on his Royal Society Industry Fellowship. Here, he was the warm up act for the invited external speaker, Dr Susannah Coote, a York alumnus who carried out her PhD in the group and is now a lecturer at Lancaster University.

  • The group’s latest covid-19 related work was published in Science Advances – we had four York 3D fragment hits against the macrodomain protein.

"Fragment binding to the Nsp3 macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 identified through crystallographic screening and computational docking"

March 2021 

  • Stephen Yao and Giordaina Hartley presented posters on their PhD projects at the Catalysis@York event organised by Andy Weller. It was a great afternoon of science showcasing the wide-ranging catalysis research in the Department

  • Peter gave an invited lecture at the RSC’s meeting entitled “Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development” on the topic of his Royal Society Industry Fellowship

 Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development

February 2021

  • Congratulations to Hannah on the successful completion of her MSc on sulfoximine chemistry - not even the coronavirus pandemic could stop her!


January 2021

Synthesis and functionalisation of a bifunctional normorphan 3D building block for medicinal chemistry


December 2020

Rapid “high” temperature batch and flow lithiation-trapping of N-Boc pyrrolidine

November 2020

  • Giordaina represented the group and presented her sulfoximine results at the virtual RSC Organic Division Poster Competition

Giordaina RSC Organic Division Poster Competition


  • Congratulations to Hanna on the successful defense of her thesis, with Professor Taylor carrying out possibly his last ever PhD viva! We wish Hanna well as she embarks on a post-doctoral position in the group of Professor Fredrik Almqvist at Umea in Sweden.

  • We welcome PhD student Andres (ex MSc student!) to the group for a later-than-planned start to his PhD studies.


October 2020


September 2020

  • Thank you and goodbye to post-doc Kevin who leaves York after over three and half years to return to St Andrews to a post-doc position with Professor Andrew Smith. 

  • Congratulations to Sophie on the successful defense of her electrochemical thesis, co-supervised by Victor Chechik and Alison Parkin. Sophie left the group earlier in the year to take up an industrial position at Apex Molecular. We wish her the best of luck in her new job. Here’s a photo of some of us on the celebratory post-viva Zoom call.

Sophie's Viva


August 2020

  • Peter gave a virtual research lecture at a Future Technologies for Covid-19 Eventhosted by the University of York. He presented the group’s fragment-based drug discovery work including his Royal Society Industry Fellowship and the exciting recent fragment hits against Covid-19 proteins.


May 2020

  • Congratulations to Nico on the successful defense of his organolithium thesis. Nico left the group to do a post-doc with Dr Chris Spicer in York before moving on to an industrial position at Concept Life Sciences. Good luck to Nico in the new job!

  • The group’s work on 3-D fragments and their use in potential drug discovery starting points for treating covid-19 featured in a University news story.

Covid-19 News Story


April 2020

Design and Synthesis of 56 Shape Diverse 3-D Fragments

January 2020

  • Congratulations to Kevin and Nico on their excellent organolithium review that features in the 100th volume of Organic Reactions, alongside an illustrious list of other authors in the same volume.

100th volume of Organic Reactions


News Archive

2019 News

2018 News

2017 News

2016 News