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Professor Mathew Evans

Phone: 01904 324188


Atmospheric Chemistry

Mathew Evans is a professor of Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling in the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories of the University of York’s Chemistry Department. His research focusses on the numerical modelling of atmospheric chemistry so that we can better understand air pollution and climate change. Mathew is the departmental theme leader for digital chemistry and leads the 3rd year atmospheric chemistry module.

Mat’s research interests lie in understanding the reactive composition of the atmosphere. These trace gases are important for understanding air pollution, climate change, stratospheric ozone loss and some ecosystem degradation.  Chemical, physical and biological processes all contribute to determining this composition and need to be quantified if our understanding is to be advanced.

The primary tool for this research is the GEOS-Chem model. This is a community, open source model of the chemistry, transport, emissions and deposition of the atmosphere. The group uses the model to improve our understanding of the composition of the atmosphere, especially the chemistry occurring within it. We use the University of York’s Viking HPC facility for running the model and data processing. 

Much of our research involves using observations to explore the quality of the model predictions. We do this through our involvement in observational field campaigns around the world (Bermuda, Cape Verde, China, Africa) and with laboratory experiments.

Recent interest has focussed on the chemistry of halogens (Cl, Br, I) in the lower atmosphere, the chemistry of oxides of nitrogen in the remote atmosphere, the influence of the ocean surface and the influence of clouds on atmospheric composition.

We also have interests in looking at new tools to understand this chemistry using spectral methods, machine learning, and ensemble approaches.