National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, 23 September 2022
Please visit our Resource Hub for materials on Equality and Diversity.
Served on Athena SWAN judging panels | Paul Walton, Derek Wann, Caroline Dessent and Leonie Jones |
Member of the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee | Caroline Dessent |
Members of the University of York Athena SWAN Science Faculty Working Group | Caroline Dessent and Leonie Jones |
Member of University of York Athena SWAN Steering Group | Paul Walton |
Chair of the University wide Athena SWAN Forum | Paul Walton |
Athena SWAN Departmental Representatives | Caroline Dessent and Leonie Jones |
Athena SWAN Champion (and sits on the HEA Ireland review board on gender equality in Higher Education in Ireland) | Paul Walton |
Panel member for the Royal Society's Rosalind Franklin award | Robin Perutz |
Friend of the Daphene Jackson Trust | Caroline Dessent |
Member of the RSC Inclusion and Diversity Committee | David Smith |
Ambassador for European INTEGER project (Institutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research) | Paul Walton |
Member of York Biology and School of Physics, Engineering and Technology Equality groups | |
Member of the Advisory Board, University of Galway, Ireland | Paul Walton |
Member of the University of York Women's Forum | Caroline Dessent |
Chair of the University Race Equality Steering Group | Avtar Matharu |
July 2020 |
Virtual Q&A with Angela Saini- Racism in Science & Academia, Joint Equality and Diversity Beacon Event, University of Leeds & University of York |
June 2020 |
Dr Izzy Jayasinghe - From optical microscopy to Pride Month of protest. Virtual Equality and Diversity Seminar: Celebrating Pride Month |
June 2020 | Leonie Jones |
Unconscious Bias Training, Network Wide Event for Safer Autonomous Systems (SAS) DTP. |
March 2020 |
Jess Wade - A voice for diversity in science. Department of Chemistry Beacon Equality and Diversity Lecture |
July 2019 | Leonie Jones and Dave Smith |
Talk: 'No sex we’re scientists' (Dave Smith), chaired panel discussion on diversity and inclusivity in science (leonie Jones), 4th joint Dial-a-molecule and directed synthesis networks ECR event |
July 2019 | Dave Smith | Interview: Making invisible work in STEM more visible (Chem Eng News) |
June 2019 | Dave Smith | LGBT in STEM Survey Results Launch - Introductory Speaker |
June 2019 | Dave Smith and Alex Palmer | University pride flag raising event (speakers) |
March 2019 | Caroline Dessent | Invited talk, 'What does it take to become a golden department for gender equality? Athena SWAN in Chemistry@York.' Delft Women in Science symposium, TU Delft |
February 2019 | Ruth Purvis |
Invited talk: 11 years of Athena Swan, advice on implementing a EDI policies, The Aerosol Society
February 2019 | Paul Walton | Interview in Nature Careers |
February 2019 | Leonie Jones | Invited talk, 'People like us? How unconscious bias affects our decisions.' International Mother Language Day Celebration, University of York |
January 2019 | Elizabeth Fear | Co-organised McCamley Lecture and Lunchtime Forum on Maintaining a Work-Life Balance. University of York |
January 2019 | Julia Sarju | Delivered a workshop 'Individual Arrangements and Inclusive Assessments for Undergraduate Chemistry: Checks & Balances' at the RSC's Higher Education Teaching Network Winter Meeting: Kings College London. |
January 2019 | Caroline Dessent, Helen Coombs | Talk on Submitting an Athena SWAN Application, Athena SWAN Forum, University of York |
January 2019 | Derek Wann | LGBT+STEMinar attendance and steering group membership, London |
January 2019 | Caroline Dessent | Took part in the Universities Counselling Service (CiC) consultation, University of York |
December 2018 | Paul Walton | Member, throughout 2018, of a Review Group into the Effectiveness of Athena SWAN, London. |
December 2018 | Emma Dux, Helen Coombs, Leonie Jones | Members of the Chemistry Mental Health Support Team. Team Award and Winners of the "Health, Wellbeing and Resilience Initiative of the Year". Professional at York Event, University of York. |
December 2018 | Julia Sarju, Robin Perutz |
Talk highlighting disabled role models in science for Disability History Month. "Science stars with a difference: can we learn from disability history?" University of York. Chem Update |
December 2018 | Leonie Jones, Caroline Dessent | Unconscious bias observer training workshop, University of York (open to all staff) |
December 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, Joliot Curie 2018 Webinar - Multiple Pathways to Success |
November 2018 | Paul Walton, Leonie Jones | Ran an Undergraduate Session on Equality and Unconscious Bias. University of York |
November 2018 | Paul Walton | Lecture "Gender Equality in Higher Education: How to do it." Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg, Sweden. |
November 2018 | David Smith | Interview, Nature career feature - Juggling research and family life: honest reflections from scientist dads |
November 2018 | Paul Walton | Lecture to the Science and Engineering Faculty at the University of Freiburg. |
November 2018 | David Smith | Media article, Chemistry World - Family-friendly science |
November 2018 | David Smith | Online interview - Breaking the Barriers Report Launch Event |
October 2018 | Helen Coombs, Caroline Dessent | Media article, The Royal Society of Chemistry Voice magazine - The gold standard |
July 2018 | David Smith | Media article, "Hidden Diversity Steps Out of the Closet" (Article for LGBTSTEMDay), Royal Society of Chemistry |
June 2018 | Paul Walton | Invited lecturer, LERU conference, Zurich, Switzerland |
June 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, LGBT Scientists - Hidden Stories |
June 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, LGBT Network Launch - Springer Nature |
June 2018 |
Alex Palmer |
Represented YUSU Disabled Students Network at a meeting with CCG to discuss survey results of disabled student experiences of medical care from Unity Health. |
June 2018 |
Alex Palmer |
University of York's first Student Pride Event (16 June): organised and ran a stall at the Student Pride event as part of committee work for YUSU Disabled Students Network. |
June 2018 |
Alex Palmer |
York Pride (9 June): organised marching groups for York Pride as part of committee work for YUSU LGBTQ Network and for YUSU Disabled Students Network. |
June 2018 |
Leonie Jones |
York Pride: Chemistry Department celebrates - Flags-it-up for York Pride |
June 2018 |
Caroline Dessent, Leonie Jones |
Invited to Westminster Abbey: book launch of the official History of Parliament Trust Vote commemorative album "Voice and Vote" which features the Department of Chemistry. |
June 2018 | Caroline Dessent, Leonie Jones |
Hosted lunchtime staff forum on Fatherhood and Flexible Working, Department of Chemistry-University of York. |
May 2018 |
Paul Walton |
Invited lecturer, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow |
May 2018 |
David Smith |
Author "ChemYork"Spring 2018 External Magazine. " LGBT+ STEMinar - a formula for inclusive science." Department of Chemistry - University of York. |
May 2018 | Alex Palmer |
Trans Awareness Week: organised a week of events at the University of York to raise funds for Action for Trans Health. |
May 2018 | Duncan Bruce, Caroline Dessent |
Invited Professor Carolyn Bertozzi from Stanford University keynote lecturer at the scientific symposium celebrating excellence and diversity in science and to give a public lecture: The long game of STEM diversification. |
May 2018 | David Smith | Presenter, Professor Carolyn Bertozzi Public Lecture and Panel Discussion, University of York |
May 2018 | Duncan Bruce, Caroline Dessent | Hosted a two-day event within the Department of Chemistry to celebrate 10 years of Athena SWAN Gold. |
May 2018 | Helen Coombs | Met with Dr Megan Osmond from Australia's CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) to discuss experiences of Athena SWAN at York. |
April 2018 | Caroline Dessent | Professor Ellie Highwood (Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, University of Reading) joined us in the Department to give a Beacon Lecture From dust to diversity... adventures in atmospheric science and equality. |
April 2018 | David Smith | Press Interview, "Science is full of personal stories. York's David Smith thinks scientists should share them". |
March 2018 | Caroline Dessent, Leonie Jones | Hosted Lunchtime staff forum: Imposter syndrome: Am I the only person that feels like a fraud? Department of Chemistry - University of York |
March 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, LBGT+, American Society. |
March 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, University of Bristol Diversity Event |
March 2018 | David Smith | Invited speaker, LGBT+ Physical Science Survey Launch Event |
March 2018 | Paul Walton | Invited presenter, Gender equality lecture |
March 2018 | Caroline Dessent | Invited speaker, International Women's Day Event - University of Leeds (Faculty of Medicine and Health Care). |
February 2018 | Duncan Bruce, Helen Coombs | Facilitators: Department of Chemistry - first academic department at the University of York to introduce specific ‘all genders welcome’ toilets. |
January 2018 | Derek Wann | Speaker, LGTB STEMinar, University of York |
January 2018 | David Smith | Pleanary speaker, LGBT STEMinar, University of York. |
January 2018 | Leonie Jones, Derek Wann | Organised LGBT STEMinar hosted in the National STEM Learning Centre, University of York. |
January 2018 | Leonie Jones | Invited speaker, 10 years of Athena SWAN Gold Brunel, Computer Science Diversity Day. |
January 2018 | Caroline Dessent | Invited speaker, The Department of Chemistry’s Equality and Diversity activities and Athena SWAN submission, Association of Business Schools. |
January 2018 | David Smith |
Invited speaker, 10 years of Athena SWAN Gold, University of Kent at Medway - School of Pharmacy Seminar. |
November 2017 | Dave Smith | Gay Times Honours, Nominee, Barbara Burford Award for STEM, London |
November 2017 |
Duncan Bruce |
Co-organisers of RSC Celebrating Diversity in the Chemical Sciences |
November 2017 | Dave Smith | Panel member, RSC Celebrating Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, London |
November 2017 | Paul Walton | Presentation to Chalmers University, Sweden |
October 2017 | Paul Walton | Presentation to Chemistry Department and University and Briefing to Equality Group, Lund University, Sweden |
October 2017 | Paul Walton | Briefing to Heads of Departments and Presentation to Department of Chemistry,Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
October 2017 | Paul Walton | Presentation to Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield |
October 2017 |
Dave Smith |
EPSRC/IOP/RSC Diversity in Leadership Workshop, London |
September 2017 |
Paul Walton |
Presentation to senior management group, Delft University, Holland |
August and September 2017 |
Paul Walton |
Presentations at EPSRC ICT meetings, London |
25 September 2017 |
Caroline Dessent |
EPSRC Inclusion Matters Workshop participant, Bristol |
21 September 2017 |
Caroline Dessent |
'Going for Gold: Athena SWAN and Beyond' University of Liverpool, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Invited Talk |
21 September 2017 |
Caroline Dessent |
"How to be a Woman ....Scientist", University of Liverpool, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Invited Talk |
August 2017 |
Helen Coombs Caroline Dessent |
Advice on recruitment best practice given to Gender Equality Officer at University of Liverpool |
July 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Invited to attend London Gay Times Awards |
July 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Keynote speaker at Next Step events in York |
8 July 2017 |
Caroline Dessent |
Obstacles and Opportunities: Carving out Careers": British Society for the History of Science, Annual Meeting Invited Talk and Panel Discussion, York |
June 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Invited Talk, Science Museum, Sexuality Lates Event, London |
June 2017 |
Paul Walton |
University lecture, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
May 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Invited Lecture on LGBT+ Diversity in STEM: University of Lancaster |
May 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Invited Lecture on LGBT+ Diversity in STEM: University of Nottingham |
May 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Plenary Lecture, UNIT 2017, May 2017, Berlin |
March 2017 |
Dave Smith |
Guest speaker at 'Bring your whole self to work' event, Procter and Gamble, Newcastle |
March 2017 |
Leonie Jones |
Invited Talk, 'Athena SWAN – progression & culture change, 10 years of Athena SWAN gold', Bangor University |
February 2017 |
Paul Walton |
University lecture, University of Surrey |
January 2017 |
Leonie Jones |
'Development of a novel unconscious bias observer scheme at Chemistry@York', at LGBT STEMinar 2017 |
January 2017 |
Paul Walton |
Presentation to Rector, staff and students at University of Freiberg, Germany |
November 2016 |
Dave Smith |
Invited Lecture on LGBT+ Diversity in STEM: University of Oxford |
November 2016 |
Leonie Jones |
Biophotonics North, 'Unconscious Bias in the Academic Environment', University of St Andrews |
October 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Keynote speaker at LERU conference on gender with a focus on women in STEMM, Lund, Sweden |
October 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Royal Society Diversity Conference: received Athena SWAN Runner Up award and contributed to panel discussion |
September 2016 |
Lucy Carpenter |
Hosted Royal Society of Chemistry Joliot-Curie Conference 2016 at the National STEM Learning Centre |
September 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Spoke at University of Cork, Ireland. Also gave briefing to Executive Group. |
June 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Gave staff lecture at Uppsala University, Sweden |
June 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Swedish National Equality Conference, Lund, Sweden |
April 2016 |
EDG Group |
Equality and diversity discussions with School of Maths and Physical Sciences, University of Reading |
April 2016 |
Helen Coombs |
Discussions on Athena SWAN with UCL Institute of Child Health |
March 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Speaker at University of Chester on Athena SWAN |
February 2016 |
Helen Coombs |
Advice meeting on Athena SWAN submission process with the Met Office |
February 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Spoke at Technological University, Delft, The Netherlands |
February 2016 |
Paul Walton |
Attended HEA Committee on gender equality, Dublin |
January 2016 |
Derek Wann |
Both attended, and Dave gave opening plenary lecture, at the LGBT STEMinar at Sheffield. A version of his talk can be found on his YouTube channel: |
December 2015 |
Derek Wann |
Spoke at the Athena SWAN awards ceremony |
December 2015 |
Robin Perutz |
Book review: Women scientists - Reflections, Challenges and Breaking Boundaries by Magdolna Hargittai |
November 2015 |
Eliza Bonello |
Gave presentation on 'Disability in the Workplace' to INCLUDE, the University of York's disabled staff network |
October 2015 |
Helen Coombs |
Gave advice to UCL Medical School on Athena SWAN process |
October 2015 | Robin Perutz | Presentation at the University of Aberdeen to a general audience varying from undergraduate to University Vice Principal on "Celebrating the buzz of success: changing the ethos and Athena SWAN Gold". The discussion afterwards was at least a long as the talk |
October 2015 | Eliza Bonello |
Attended Westminster Employment Forum on "Disability in the Workplace - priorities for policy" on behalf of the University's Disabled Staff Network |
October 2015 | Ruth Purvis | Gave advice on Athena SWAN process to the Met Office |
September 2015 | Caroline Dessent | Talk on Athena SWAN at North East Athena SWAN meeting in York |
September 2015 |
Leonie Jones |
Attended Joliot-Curie Conference 2015, Cambridge. Leonie presented a poster on Flexible Working practices and Dave gave a talk on Promoting Cultural Change. Two students (Kate Appleby, Craig Archbold) and a post-doc (Ana Campo Rodrigo) were also funded by the Department to attend the conference |
September 2015 | Helen Coombs | Advice to MRC Cell Biology Athena team, UCL |
July 2015 | Paul Walton | Talk at COST Action meeting, Nanoscale Quantum Optics, Florence |
July 2015 | Alison Parkin |
Visit to Stokesley School - gave keynote talk at the Year 11 "Science and Engineering Day", designed to promote female students' engagement with science and engineering qualifications and careers (~100 Year 11 students attended) and also spoke to 6th form science A level students |
June 2015 | Paul Walton |
Equality and Diversity Talk at University of Birmingham |
June 2015 | Paul Walton |
Talk at COST Action meeting, GenderSTE, Nicosia, Cyprus |
April 2015 | Helen Coombs | Advice to University of Newcastle on enhancing the role of women in Science and Technology |
April 2015 | Paul Walton | Sex in Science seminars, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus |
March 2015 | Paul Walton | Talk on gender equality at University of Nijmegen, Netherlands |
February 2015 | Dave Smith | Invited Lecture on LGBT+ Diversity in STEM: University of Reading |
January 2015 | Paul Walton | Gender equality talk to Wellcome Trust |
November 2014 | Paul Walton | Advice to Senior Managers Group, University of Leeds |
November 2014 | Emma Dux Robin Perutz |
Athena Forum, London |
October 2014 | Helen Coombs | Advice to Equality & Diversity Unit, University of Oxford, on part-time working policy |
October 2014 | Paul Walton | Gender Equality talks at Universities of Oxford and Huddersfield |
September 2014 | Ruth Purvis | Symposium on 'Promoting STEM Subjects to Girls in Primary Schools', Queen's University Belfast |
June 2014 | Alison Parkin | Keynote speaker at Stokesley School 'Science and Engineering Day' focused on enthusing Year 10 pupils about science careers. Talk and workshops with ~180 pupils |
June 2014 | Paul Walton Kate Horner |
Promoting Female Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Oslo 2014: equality talk by Paul Walton; conference delegate Kate Horner |
June 2014 | Kirsty Penkman | Represented Department at Westminster briefing on "Gender and STEM - where next for universities?" |
June 2014 | Paul Walton | Invited (with Pratibha Gai and Dave Smith) to parliamentary event hosted by Professor Lesley Yellowlees CBE, the Royal Society of Chemistry and Valerie Vaz MP to focus on the issue of diversity in science |
June 2014 | Derek Wann Catherine Foster |
Athena SWAN Good Practice Workshop at Royal Society of Chemistry, London |
June 2014 | Paul Walton | Talk on equality to senior management group, University of Limerick, Ireland |
May 2014 | Paul Walton | GenderSTE targeted workshop, University of Rijeka, Croatia |
April 2014 | Sue Couling Paul Walton |
Women and Change in Higher Education conference, Durham University: keynote speaker Sue Couling; workshop given by Paul Walton |
March 2014 | Dave Smith | Invited Lecture on LGBT+ Diversity in STEM: University of Liverpool |
March 2014 | Helen Coombs | Consultation with HR/Equality & Diversity Advisor, Warwick University, on flexible working and maternity/paternity leave |
March 2014 | Paul Walton | EU STAGES project (Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science) workshop, Brussels |
March 2014 | Paul Walton | Athena SWAN conference on unconscious bias (keynote speaker), University of Portsmouth |
February 2014 | Alison Parkin | Consultation with Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, on Athena SWAN management and impact at York |
January 2014 | Helen Coombs | Hosted Athena SWAN visit from Newcastle University Chemistry Department |
2014 | Paul Walton | Talks and seminars at inter alia: University of Leeds, Queen Mary's College London, King's College London, University of Cambridge; full details on Gender equality work webpage |
2013 | Paul Walton | Various national and international talks and lectures: see Gender equality work webpage |
June 2012 | Sue Couling | Hosted UKRC-WISE/GeCo National Networking meeting "Gaining senior management commitment to gender equality in HEIs" |
2012 | Caroline Dessent Robin Perutz |
Presentations to National Institute of Health Researchers, Senior Investigators' meeting |
2012 | Sue Couling | Expert on GenCo Project – A European project on Improving Gender Equality Competences of Persons Responsible for Personnel Development in Private Enterprises and Higher Education |
Department of Chemistry
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