Athena Swan

AdvanceHE’s Athena Swan Charter is a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research.
In 2007, York Chemistry was the first department to win an Athena Swan Gold award. The Gold award, which recognises 'significant and sustained progression and achievement in promoting gender equality' was renewed in 2010, 2015, 2019 and 2024.
In 2024 the department successfully renewed its Athena Swan Gold award under the transformed charter. We have the longest-held Gold award in the scheme. Our 2024 Athena Swan Gold award submission document will shortly be made available for download from the University Athena Swan pages.
Our aims and achievements
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Our aims
Our aims
Our Equality and Diversity strategy is informed by our surveys, accurate data/statistics and their analysis and is focused on clear, measurable and ambitious targets.
Our work is underpinned at all levels by the evidence from the social sciences. This evidence has been drawn from a variety of sources, several of which have been discussed at length by the Equality and Diversity Group. For instance, our focus on unconscious bias stems from well-established psychology studies. In another example, our focus on "quality over quantity" is evidenced by studies in academic behaviour on publishing. Our approach to academic appointments is informed by the known pitfalls of assessing applicants whilst under stress. Links to articles and resources can be found in the Resource Hub.
We recognise our particular responsibility to act as a beacon department for equality practice. We specifically see this promotion extending into subjects beyond STEM, into AHSSBL departments, HEI management, professional societies and onto an international stage. A list of external talks given by members of the Equality and Diversity Group can be found on the beacon activity page.
Our achievements
Our achievements
- Introduced diversity training for all UG and PG students
- Introduced Departmental maternity, paternity and adoption guidelines
- Increased uptake of part-time and flexible working by both men and women
- 100% return rate from maternity leave
- Held Departmental Culture Surveys for all staff and students
- Improvements in induction for new staff including allocation of mentors and inclusion of information on inclusivity
- Revised advertising material to include more equality information
- Introduction of researchers forum and increased researcher representation on committees
- Equality and Diversity brief for Academic Group leaders including unconscious bias training for Academic Group Leaders
- Introduction of a Quiet Room for staff
- Unconscious bias awareness and training activities held for all recruitment panels
- Unconscious bias observers now observe and advise recruitment panels for all departmental vacancies
- Held LGBTQ+ events and identified LGBTQ+ contacts
- Introduced All Gender Welcome WCs and trans awareness training
- Made free sanitary products available in departmental toilets.
- Introduced support for those experiencing menopause.
New resource: Menopause support