Tribute paid to Professor Paul Clarke

News | Posted on Thursday 23 November 2023

It is with great sadness that the University of York must announce the passing of Professor Paul Clarke, Department of Chemistry, on Wednesday 22nd November, 2023.

Image of Prof Paul Clarke

Paul was a great chemist and an energetic, engaging colleague. He was well-known for high-quality research in organic chemistry, ranging from natural product synthesis with a focus on oxygen-containing heterocycles, through to studies of potentially prebiotic reaction processes.

Paul made many contributions to the Department of Chemistry, including enhancing graduate school training programmes, developing experiments for our teaching labs, and hosting visiting speakers, always with panache and a twinkle in his eye. He genuinely cared for his research students, as the many researchers trained by him over the course of his 20-year academic career would attest.

Paul first arrived in the Department of Chemistry in 2006, having previously been an academic at University of Nottingham. He was Chair of the Society for Chemical Industry (SCI) Yorkshire and Humber Regional Committee. He will be sorely missed by many both in
and beyond the Department.

After an extended period of illness, Paul passed away in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by friends, family and his husband Szczepan.

Caroline Dessent, Head of Department of Chemistry at the University of York said: “We were terribly saddened to hear of Paul’s death. Paul was a talented synthetic chemist, who was deeply respected for his independence of thought, and his honest and enthusiastic support of the students and academics whom he worked with. He will be very sorely missed by his friends and colleagues at York and across the wider Chemistry community.”

An electronic book of condolences has been set up; if you would like to send a message of condolence please email it to and we will include it.