Wednesday 21 October 2020, 1.00PM to 2.30pm
Speaker(s): Carmen Piras, University of York, James Firth, University of York, Ed Griffen, MedChemica
1.00-1.30: Carmen Piras, University of York -
"Spatially-Controlled Supramolecular Gels for Biological Applications"
1.30-1.45: James Firth, University of York -
"A Need for Caution in the Preparation and Application of Synthetically Versatile Aryl Diazonium Tetrafluoroborate Salts"
1.45-2.30: Ed Griffen, MedChemica
"Explainable AI for drug discovery - Where organic and medicinal chemistry meet computer science and human interactions"
2.30 onwards: Networking
Location: Online