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Chemistry Seminar

Friday 9 January 2015, 12.00PM

Speaker(s): Dr Richard Campbell

Dr Richard Campbell from the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (the world’s flagship centre for neutron science) will be visiting York on 9th January 2015.

He is a member of the instruments of the Large Scale Structures (LSS) group of the Institut Laue-Langevin which are all dedicated to measuring structures on the scale of 1 to several 100 of nanometers. A vast range of science is covered: from magnetism to polymers and colloids to biological structure, in solution, in the solid state or in very thin films.

All are welcome to attend his seminar.

If you would like to speak to Richard about your science, neutron beam time at the ILL etc. while he is here please contact John Slattery.

Location: C/A122
