Professor Paul Walton on how the Athena SWAN program has aided the pursuit of equality in all areas:
Professor Paul Walton talsk about how we need diverse teams of men and women to come up with solutions to chemistry problems:
Professor Dave Smith discusses his journey of asking the question: where are the other LGBT scientists?:
A version of Professor Dave Smith's Flagship Lecture given at the University of Liverpool in March 2014, 'LGBT Scientists - Where are they and does it matter?'. The lecture explores whether science has an LGBT problem or if the LGBT community has a science problem:
Professor Pratibha L. Gai on the work that won her the L’Oreal-UNESCO Award and the role of science in her life:
Former Chemistry student Cheryl Smith on studying with her working dog at York:
Life at Google discusses unconscious bias and how they strive to combat it in their workplace:
The Royal Society’s illustrated video on unconscious bias: