Accessibility statement

Stephen Palmer


Stephen Palmer is a Professor in TEEHTA. He has worked in economic evaluation for over 15 years in areas including pharmaceuticals, cardiology, cancer, mental health, diagnostic and screening programmes and policy. He has extensive experience of health economic evaluation, regulatory and reimbursement processes. His principal areas of expertise relate to the methodology and application of decision-analytic modelling and Bayesian approaches to Health Technology Assessment.  He has worked closely with policy makers and currently leads the programme of work at CHE for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and he is also a member of the NICE Decision Support Unit.  He has advised policy makers internationally including in the USand Canada. He is currently a member of the NICE Technology Appraisal Committee and the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme. 

Staff Photo for Stephen Palmer

Contact details

Dr Stephen Palmer
Centre for Health Economics