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Richard Cookson is a Professor at the Centre for Health Economics, and Co-Director of the Equity in Health Policy (Equipol) research group. He has helped pioneer “equity-informative” methods of policy analysis, including distributional cost-effectiveness analysis; health equity indicators for healthcare quality assurance; and methods for investigating public concern for reducing health inequality; and is currently developing microsimulation methods for long-term childhood policy analysis. He has co-chaired international working groups on equity, worked in the UK Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit and served on various NHS advisory committees including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the NHS Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation.
Richard’s research focuses on equity in health and health care and is summarised in this 15-minute YorkTalk and his inaugural lecture.
Richard runs an online short course on distributional cost-effectiveness analysis, lead edited the 2021 Oxford University Press handbook of distributional cost-effectiveness analysis, and co-founded Special Interest Groups on this topic for the International Health Economics Association in 2020 and the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research in 2021. Earlier in his career, he helped set up the UK Health Equity Network in 1999, edited the public health section of the Elsevier On-Line Encyclopedia of Health Economics from 2012-14, and edited the collected works of Jonathan Bradshaw, Anthony Culyer and Alan Maynard in free e-book formats from 2010-16.
Richard is an Honorary Public Health Academic, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. He has co-chaired various international working groups on equity; served on various NHS advisory groups including the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Technology Appraisal Committee 2002-7, the Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee 2007-9, the NHS Outcomes Framework Technical Advisory Committee 2012-16 and the NHS Advisory Committee for Resource Allocation 2017-21; and was seconded to the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in the Treasury in 2010.
Richard holds a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a DPhil in Economics from the University of York, and an MPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford. After completing his doctorate, he worked at the Centre for Health Economics (1997-8), the London School of Economics LSE Health and Social Care (1998-00), the University of East Anglia School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice (2000-6) and the University of York School for Business and Society (2006-10).