Accessibility statement

Beth Woods
Senior Research Fellow


Beth is a Senior Research Fellow in the Economic Evaluation theme and has been based at the University of York since 2014. Beth holds a BA in Economics from the University of Cambridge and an MSc in Economic Evaluation in Healthcare from City University. 

Prior to joining CHE Beth was a Director in the Health Economics team at Oxford Outcomes, a private consulting firm, where she specialised in applied economic evaluation from 2006-2013.

Beth has worked on economic evaluations of a range of technologies, including the application of advanced statistical and decision modelling methods. Beth has also contributed to methods in the field, in particular relating to model structuring in oncology, evaluation of pharmaceutical pricing policy, and evaluation and pricing of technologies to address antimicrobial resistance.

Beth is a member of the NIHR HTA Clinical Evaluation and Trials Board and sits on the Board of Directors for the York Health Economics Consortium.

Beth Woods staff photo

Contact details

Beth Woods
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Health Economics