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Improving medical decision making: Evidence and uncertainty considerations

Natalia Kunst

Tuesday 17 January 2023, 1.00PM to 2.00pm

Speaker(s): Natalia Kunst, University of Oslo


Natalia Kunst will present an iterative decision-making framework in health and medicine, which she formalized in her PhD. The framework combines existing recommendations to formalize the key steps involved in undertaking a model-based decision analysis, and it extends the previous work by emphasizing the overarching iterative process of medical decision making. In her seminar, Natalia will briefly present some of her research projects that are related to specific parts of the framework and will focus more on her projects related to the whole framework. More specifically, she will present her work on the Value of Information: CHEERS Extension (VOICE) statement recommendations and checklist, and on assessing the clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness of population-wide newborn screening for Li-Fraumeni syndrome and the value of further research, which represents an example of the framework application.

Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 960 3510 6184
Passcode: 949257

Location: Alcuin A Block A/019/20 and via Zoom (not recorded)

Who to contact

For more information on these seminars, contact:
Alfredo Palacios
Shainur Premji

If you are not a member of University of York staff and are interested in attending a seminar, please contact 
so that we can ensure we have sufficient space

Economic evaluation seminar dates

  • Tuesday 28 November 2023
  • Thursday 14 December 2023