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Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making

Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making

Edited by: Anna Heath, Natalia Kunst, Christopher Jackson  2024
Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Quantifying Health Equity Impacts and Trade-Offs Edited by: Richard Cookson, Susan Griffin, Ole F. Norheim, Anthony J. Culyer  2020
Global Health Economics Shaping Health Policy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Global health economics shaping health policy in low and middle-income countries Edited by: Paul Revill, Marc Suhrcke (University of York, UK and Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg), Rodrigo Moreno-Serra, and Mark Sculpher  2020
Maynard Matters

Maynard matters
or downloadable:
Maynard Matters (PDF , 5,101kb)
Maynard Matters epub ( 2,134kb download)
Maynard Matters kindle ( 4,785kb download)

Richard Cookson, Maria Goddard, Trevor Sheldon 2016
Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes (fourth edition) Michael Drummond, Mark Sculpher, Karl Claxton, Greg Stoddart, George Torrence 2015
Making mental health count Making mental health count: the social and economic costs of neglecting mental health care  Emily Hewlett, Valerie Moran 2014
Waiting time policies Waiting time policies in the health sector, what works? Luigi Siciliani, Michael Borowitz, Valerie Moran 2013
Applied health economics Applied health economics (second edition) Andrew Jones, Nigel Rice, Teresa Bago d'Uva, Silvia Balia 2013
The Humble Economist The humble economist
or downloadable:
The Humble Economist (PDF , 2,916kb)
Richard Cookson, Karl Claxton 2012
The ideas and influence of Alan Williams: Be reasonable - do it my way! Anne Mason, Adrian Towse 2008
The Elgar companion to health economics Andrew Jones 2006
Decision modelling for health economic evaluation Andrew Briggs, Karl Claxton, Mark Sculpher 2006
Formula funding of public services Peter C. Smith 2006
Measuring efficiency in health care Rowena Jacobs, Peter C Smith 2006
Health policy and economics: Opportunities and Challenges (State of Health) Peter C Smith, Mark Sculpher, Laura Ginnelly 2004
Cultures for performance in health care Russell Mannion, Huw T.O. Davies, Martin N. Marshall 2004
Microeconomics (third edition) Hugh Gravelle, Ray Rees 2004
Health care performance and organisational culture Tim Scott, Russell Mannion, Huw Davies, Martin Marshall 2003
Economic evaluation in health care: merging theory with practice Michael Drummond, Alistair McGuire 2001
Health economics for developing countries Sophie Witter, Tim Ensor, Matthew Jowett, Robin Thompson 2000
Reforming markets in health care: an economic perspective Peter C. Smith 2000