Accessibility statement

Nils Gutacker


Nils Gutacker is Professor of Health Economics. His research focuses on the design and effectiveness of (non-)financial incentives, industrial organisation of health care markets, unwarranted variation in health care provision, measurement of health care quality using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), and health inequalities. 

Nils leads the Health and Social Care Policy theme and chairs CHE's Learning & Teaching committee. He is the co-director of the REAL Supply Research Unit and a member of the German Expert Council on Health and Care ('Sachverständigenrat Gesundheit & Pflege').

Nils is a member of the NIHR Policy Research Programme funding panel and the EuroQol Group working group on ‘Population and Health Systems’. He is also the national organiser of the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG).

He holds a PhD in Economics and a MSc in Health Economics, both from the University of York, and a BSc in Health Care Management from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 
Staff Photo for Nils Gutacker

Contact details

Nils Gutacker
Centre for Health Economics