Accessibility statement

Maria Goddard


Maria is Professor of Health Economics and was Director of the Centre for Health Economics from 2009 to 2021. Her current research interests in health policy include the measurement of performance, commissioning, mental health, the role of incentives and the regulation and financing of health care systems. Policy experience has been gained through working in the NHS at health authority level and then as an Economic Adviser in the NHS Executive (Department of Health) for three years. At the NHS Executive, she was involved in the economic aspects of purchasing, commissioning, planning and regulation. 

Maria is an elected Fellow of The Learned Society of Wales and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She was previously a Non-Executive Director to the Board of NHS Digital (2014-2017) and an elected member of the Women’s Committee of the Royal Economic Society. She has been a member of numerous research award and funding panels both in the UK (eg Wellcome Trust, NIHR Clinical Scientist Awards, Health Foundation covid funding) and overseas (eg Research Councils in Norway and Sweden, Irish Health Board). She has acted as an adviser and consultant to the OECD, World Bank, World Health Organization and the Audit Commission. She is a member of the inaugural Scientific Advisory Board for the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection. She is on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, and for BMC Health Services Research, and is on the editorial board for the International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM). She was a member of York's Fairness and Equalities Board, and was previously a member of the University of York’s Equality and Diversity Committee, and she is a member of the Learned Society of Wales Steering Group on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. She has recently joined the Advisory Council of the UK Research Integrity Office. 

Curriculum vitae

Maria Goddard Short CV for web page - March 2023 (PDF , 205kb)Maria Goddard Short CV for web page - March 2023 (PDF , 205kb)


Maria Goddard

Contact details

Maria Goddard
Centre for Health Economics