Accessibility statement

James Gaughan
Research Fellow



James joined the Centre for Health Economics in 2010, following a placement in the department as part of the University of York Health Economics M.Sc. programme in the Summer of that year. He went on to complete his Ph.D. in Economics as part of work within CHE.

His research focuses on two main areas. First, the interactions of different care settings and their impact on patient utilisation and outcomes from healthcare. For example acute and long-term care. Second, productivity and efficiency measurement at a whole system and unit level. James has also been part of a number of policy evaluations in various contexts.

James’ current research activity includes investigating the role of coordination within primary care and wider healthcare providers within the English NHS. He is also part of work to calculate NHS productivity growth.



  • Market and care setting interactions
  • Productivity and efficiency measurement
  • Policy evaluation

Research group(s)

Contact details

James Gaughan
Research Fellow
Centre for Health Economics