Comment on Cancer Drugs Fund
Professor Karl Claxton comments on the £280m Cancer Drugs Fund

“Last year the Cancer Drugs Fund spent £280m on medicines,” said health economist Professor Karl Claxton, of York University. “That money did some good but it would have done a lot more if it had been spent elsewhere in the National Health Service.” Guardian Article
Expert reaction to review of drugs paid for by the Cancer Drugs Fund on the Science Media Centre
The UK's Cancer Drugs Fund does more harm than good - Article in NewScientist by Karl Claxton.
Karl has been interviewed about the Cancer Drugs Fund on BBC News at 10 (12/01/15), Radio 5 Live ( 4,564kb download) and the Jeremy Vine show BBC2 (
8,126kb download)(13/01/15).
A further 15 regional and local radio interviews were given by Karl about the cancer drugs fund.
The Economist refers to York work