Health Equity Indicators for the NHS

There are substantial inequalities in health care outcomes between rich and poor, which raise important concerns about quality of care and justice.

We have developed health equity indicators that NHS and local government decision makers are using to find out what impacts their actions are having on health inequalities.

Monitoring Fairness in the NHS from Centre for Health Economics on Vimeo.

York tools

Official NHS tools

Journal articles: 

  • Reducing inequality in avoidable emergency admissions: case studies of local health care systems in England using a realist approach. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2021 (in press).
  • Health equity monitoring for healthcare quality assurance. Social Science & Medicine 2018.
  • Dying in hospital: socioeconomic inequality trends in England. JHSRP 2017.
  • Health equity indicators for the English – final report to the NIHR HS&DR Programme. HS&DR 2016
  • How a universal health system reduces inequalities – Lessons from England. JECH 2016
  • Socio-economic inequalities in health care in England. Fiscal Studies 2016 ‌ 
  • The costs of inequality: whole-population modelling study of lifetime inpatient hospital costs in the English National Health Service. JECH 2016
  • Unequal socioeconomic distribution of the primary care workforce: whole-population small area longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2016
  • Are some areas more equal than others? Socioeconomic inequality in potentially avoidable emergency hospital admissions within English local authority areas from 2004/5 to 2011/12. JHSRP 2016. Supplementary tables and figures (MS Excel , 66kb)Underpinning data (MS Excel , 1,478kb).
  • Outcomes and inequalities in diabetes from 2004/5 to 2011/12. BJGP 2016

Press releases:

Media coverage:

