Handbook of Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Supporting Materials

The Oxford University Press handbook of distributional cost-effectiveness analysis is an all-in-one guide to analysing health equity impacts and trade-offs in any decision context, for researchers, research commissioners and research users.

Further details and book purchasing information can be found at this publications page

These materials are copyright and may not be reproduced without prior permission. However, we are happy for you to re-use them for non-commercial educational or research purposes so long as you acknowledge the relevant authors (listed on the title sheets) and let us know.

Supporting Material

DCEA research tool

Each chapter has an accompanying spreadsheet training exercise and instructions. Files are labelled to correspond with chapter numbering.

Chapter 6: Baseline health by disease group

Chapter 7: Baseline health by social variables

Chapter 8: Health effects

Chapter 9: Health opportunity costs

Chapter 10: Financial protection

Chapter 11: Dominance analysis

Chapter 12: Rank-dependent equity weights

Chapter 13: Level-dependent equity weights

Chapter 14: Direct equity weights

We are happy to receive comments on these teaching materials to help improve them. If you have any comments or queries please either contact Richard Cookson or the lead author of the relevant exercise.