Distributional cost-effectiveness analysis

Distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA) is a general umbrella term for economic evaluation studies that provide information about equity in the distribution of costs and effects as well as efficiency in terms of aggregate costs and effects.

DCEA can provide distributional breakdowns of who gains most and who bears the largest burdens (opportunity costs) by equity-relevant social variables (e.g. socioeconomic status, ethnicity, location) and disease categories (e.g. severity of illness, rarity, disability). DCEA can also use various forms of "equity weighting" to analyse trade-offs between equity and efficiency. This page includes various DCEA publications and training resources that CHE staff have developed or been involved in developing.

Journal articles:


  • Identifying appropriate methods to incorporate concerns about health inequalities into economic evaluations of health care programmes. Final Report 2014.


Book chapters:

Working papers:



Professional networks


For the public

Msc workshop

These presentation materials are copyright University of York and may not be reproduced without prior permission. However, we are happy for you to re-use them for non-commercial educational or research purposes so long as you acknowledge the authors and let us know.

Old MSc Workshop Feb 2018

Policy workshop materials:

  • Workshop 1 in March 2012 (overview) 
  • Workshop 2 in February 2013 (bowel cancer screening case study)


• To find out more please contact Richard Cookson or Susan Griffin.